start packing

Chart : 21 June 2020 , 6:41gmt
Annular Solar Eclipse right after Summer Solstice
New Moon : Cancer 0°21 / NN : Gemini 29°06

• • •

2020 : 'the shift and things to be considered' -- a series 

way-showing the method ...

the North-South Nodes (NN / SN) of the Moon have a retrograde motion
and the axis represents the karma-dharma polarity in the chart

after a dramatic passage through Cancer/Capricorn - since November 2018
with its series of eclipses and Saturn Pluto alignment

the NN has been at 0 degree Cancer (22 April 20)
and is soon to enter 29° Gemini (6 May - 10 July 20)

Nodes’ change of sign is usually deeply felt like an atmospheric change ... full of forebodings

0° is considered the ingress point of a sign and has a similar energy as a newborn
a blank page, light, unloaded with heavy past luggage
it’s eager future oriented full of hope and everything remains to be discovered

on the other hand once “anaretic” planets at 29° of any sign
are identified in a chart, the understanding of what’s really at stakes remains ..

the anaretic planets in a chart point to knowledge experience wisdom and some kind of ending ..
nothing can last forever

some times it seems difficult for the area of life affected by the anaretic point or planet of the chart
to start a new phase or project get on an exciting new territory (new sign)
because it represents the unknown and the old seems much more comfortable, reassuring and familiar

imagine you have to move house (move from one sign to the next)
and in order to do so you need to sort out all your belongings, get rid of the unnecessary clutter
and pack your bags ..
the problem most often is that people don’t know how to sort their “things” before they start packing
so they get stuck, not being able to move forward on their own
until a day comes, whether ready or not, the hand of fate pushes them through the door...

that’s the sense of fatality
attached to the
29° of any sign 


not for translation or reproduction without authorisation © stellArium & ethereal counterparts

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