Time has come

Time has come to embrace 'it' and breathe gently into it - with all the life force you can muster .. Despite some flowing aspects such as Neptune's trine to the Sun (June 19) and later to Mercury (June 24), the week leading to the partial lunar eclipse (June 26) is laden with confusing polarization and tensions. 1 : Summer Solstice on June 21, 2010 at 11:28:30 GMT is interestingly aligned on a similar axis (ascendants and MCs are very close in degrees in both charts) as that of the lunar eclipse because they happen a few days and minutes apart .. Chart for June 21 2010 - 7e15, 43n42 - 11:28:30 GMT In this chart there are two major patterns to look at: a Grand Trine involving the Moon, Sun.Juno and Neptune.Quiron.Lilith on one side and a Grand Cross involving the Sun.Juno, Saturn, Jupiter.Uranus, Pluto.Ceres.NNode on the other. The Grand Trine and the Grand Cross both speak of a 'perfect' equilibrium: one is a gift from above and is here to help wh...