
Steve Mccurry, Afghan Girl (with her mesmerising eyes) Pakistan,1984 Chart : Mars conjunct Uranus (& Algol), 15.07.24 at 14:04gmt 15072024 Mars conjunct Uranus (and Algol) in Taurus — most activated by the Moon on 160724 Sun (Cancer) squares Chiron (Aries)… paving for 210724 anaretic Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto on peut vivre en chair et en os, on peut vivre les pieds sur terre et la tête connectée à soi-même.. One can live in flesh and blood, with their feet anchored to the heart of Gaia, and their head connected to “themselves”. The alignment to one’s authentic sense of self can only happen once we’ve cleared all artificial perspective. The Medusa’s mesmerising hypnotic function enhances the importance of vision and sight through this transit, that may translate for some as a connective flash of unbearable brilliant Truth. When Uranus is involved, a sudden thunderbolt tears the accumulated Saturnian veils… that were initially aimed at protecting our sight from the blinding ...