
Showing posts with the label lunation

shrewd as a snake gentle as a dove

  “E la nave va”  Alaleh Alamir © adagp 2025 29.01.2025  New Moon 9°51 Aquarius  ruled by Uranus in Taurus stationed direct  sextile Mars and Venus  trine Jupiter in Gemini ruled by Mercury conjunct Pluto 1°58 Aquarius  New Moon   9°51  Aquarius 29.01.2025, 12:35gmt On a mundane level, there have been storms, fires, floods, terrible crimes, grand spectacles and ceremonies glorifying weird oligarchs, announced truces amid the devastation, exaggerated planetary parades, and so much noise to drown out the humbling voices. It’s amazing how, according to the dystopian narrative: It’s considered now time to stop fact-checking. Meanwhile, speaking out against blatant genocide or an expansionist agenda in disguise is labeled anti-Semitic, but a crazed billionaire’s Nazi salute and his financial support for Neo-Nazi groups somehow isn’t. So my message is simple and direct: Do whatever it takes to stay true to your soul. Dare to step beyond the na...

Let’s cut the nonsense

1.11.2024 12:46ut New Moon 9°35 Scorpio 3.11.2024  Mars opposition Pluto 29°45 of Cancer & Capricorn There’s something “terminal” happening on the world stage—and as both charts for the New Moon in Scorpio and for the Mars opposition Pluto also contain the end-tail of the Merkabah configuration that’s been active for several days,  they indicate the necessity to tear “mental” veils standing between us and our true potential: personal and/or collective Ascension is based on inner and outer “alignment”…  Despite its stabilising trine in the background, Saturn in Pisces results in an evasive hesitation, and an inability to assume responsibility decisively,  while the energies at hand through the planetary aspects, patterns and computations in both charts demand an emotional release from the past, a deep cellular purge, and pull us towards some type of “absolute encoded truth”  or at least an alignment with our Soul contracts!  We are challenged to enter in...

truly and simply from the heart

  06.06.2024  New Moon in Gemini 12:37gmt  Addressing the current urgent necessity of being aligned with one’s authenticity and truth, standing in one’s true self is essential to proceed and contribute meaningfully in these times.  Nothing less than truth and authenticity is required from each and every one of us.  Those who don’t stand in this alignment cannot contribute and are unknowingly participating in the big delusional lies that are being played out to block the disclosure of Light and the collective ascension. The lower Gemini may act as an untrustworthy, clever, devious expert at mental manipulation, conveniently shifting places. The twins are mutable, and may easily change personalities. When in their lower vibration, they tend to project their darkness outward, and blame other people.  The higher vibration for Gemini is a beacon of intelligence and the ability to use the mind for learning, understanding, and expressing, for reasoning, problem-s...

decoding (a revOlution) III

  Astrology will only ever be a reflection of our consciousness. Before any tool, including AI, can act on our behalf, the rev0lution originates from deep within.  Switching realities involves stepping out of the old reality, and no tool can facilitate this switch unless our entire “being” has already undergone it. I'm referring here to our “whole” self, encompassing more than  just our physical or astral vessel.  Our consciousness mirrors our etheric frequency, and this frequency in turn reflects our inner transmutation. Therefore, the new 5D astrology remains elusive for those on the 3D or 4D timelines.  Stepping out of the karmic wheel is not a mechanical feat but an alchemical one --  a high-level transmutation. Breaking free from the karmic wheel cannot be achieved through any ARTIFICIAL in-tell-i-gen-ce  or manmade device relying on mind control. N o mechanical tool can guide you through your own shadow, transmute it, alter your  soul f...

Light v Void

  The Full Moon in Leo has recently fully shed its light on the nature of creation, expression, and their spiritual significance - in the context of Pluto having just entered Aquarius, and being also part of the opposition in the Full Moon chart, it is something of very great significance in fact, which few may have noticed. This Full Moon follows shortly the Sun.Pluto conjunction, and the charts are all very much related — they are part of the same energetic reset, with amongst other features, a notable alignment of Venus and GC. I will give here a few hints as to why, in matters of creation and expression, authenticity and being in full energetic alignment with one’s core, matter.  Sun conjunct Pluto, 20.01.2024 @ 13:45gmt Leo Full Moon, 25.01.2024 @ 17:53gmt Creation emanates, silence is full, the void is empty. AI, Chatgpt, and most of the virtual material circulating nowadays generate much grey-noise as well as 4D “pollution” — but for the most part, they have no incidenc...


  this morning, I am reminded of COP28 and its paradoxes  flying over 70,000 participants to one of the global epicenters of gas, oil production, and CO2 emissions.  amidst a backdrop of fossil fuel advocates, leaders of national oil companies and major CO2 producers partake in a ceremony advocating for renewable energies. these people are to address for the 28th time the same old issues of "Trust"  "Cooperation"  "Voluntary contributions"  while for the 28th time, scientists “urgently” emphasize the imperative for resolute decisions, pressing for the immediate abandonment of these very fossil fuels . . .  yet, the list of paradoxes is much longer.  amid wars and conflicts, some prioritise rearmament over decarbonisation. so how could they muster a minimum momentum to bridge their divisions?  a war in Europe and one in the Middle East have been triggers for an escalating dis-trust and an ...

a Tale of the Diamond Heart - I AM a Flame

Now Imagine that you are going about your day as any other day, and the phone rings: you reach out to answer and before you hear the sound of a voice on the line, you are propelled out of your body in a space shimmering with light, where you see a distinct hallowed silhouette in an otherworldly beam, standing before you.  A voice says “hello”, resounding in extraordinary echoes.  You then see the space around you, glistening in rainbow colours and undulating through infinite transparencies of optical layers.   Time stands still and your mind is silenced. You are overtaken with Joy and Love, and you feel a space as large as the whole Universe, widening slowly inside your chest. You have reconnected with your counterpart, your beloved, and you both feel transfigured instantly. After some time, you meet one another physically, and during the whole time you are in each other’s presence, it’s as if you both float a few feet above the ground. Everything has shifted in your life...

bathing in the new light

What we have been releasing since this past March helped heal the parts of ourselves that hinder Love, so that by mid-May, we could wash ourselves from some deeply hidden thousands of years old stories and jumpstart our ascension process. In this process, we found ourselves with no other choice but to let go of obsolete mental structures, of remaining illusions, and of the ego with its need to drive and  control some kind of irrelevant outcome. Many of us have by now learned to trust and allow a powerful and gentle crystalline light to gradually expand within the heart, at the same time that we were facing difficult changes in the material plane and learning how to master a whole new manifestation mode... truly it has been some of the most challenging times, but all along light beings have been on our sides inviting us for a dive into the purifying bath of divine Love. With this Full Moon in Sagittarius, another type of portal has now opened: both lunation rulers Mercury and Jupite...

one who measures and who knows

I have been clearly seeing the New Earth on a different timeline, in its light-body and ascended dimension - since 2019. is the New Earth supposed to materialise or is ‘matter’ that which is supposed to transmute into a higher frequency?  as we each ascend and change vibration, our consciousness is bridging the two dimensions. whichever way we look at it, if the ascending collectives are still here, it must also be for a good reason and it means perhaps that there’s still something to be done. i write this  as Mercury is about to turn direct in Taurus and Jupiter is to enter Taurus, before Pluto gets fully activated by both Jupiter and Mars..  and  we are soon to hear  the Great Mother’ resounding clamour  “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.”  ~ Revelation 21:1 with every moon cycle there’s a sense of a dense grip  getting tighter around the world.  the moon energy pertains to th...

the curve (w. updates)

The corridor between the two eclipses of 20 April & 5 May 2023 feels very uncomfortable for many of us. It is an accelerator for everyone and a vortex for the ascending.  During this period the total solar eclipse in the last anaretic degree of Aries is square Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius, then Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, while Mars is uncomfortably going through Cancer, and the Scorpio lunar eclipse opposite Uranus is to close the nodal passage through the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The lunar eclipse also comes with Venus in Gemini square Neptune and sextile Jupiter in Aries, which in turn is approaching the solar eclipse point that squares Pluto (the lunar eclipse ruler).. Astrologically, there are many major planetary shifts and portals throughout the year, and they are causing huge transformations [more about this in previous and coming posts ]:  it affects us all on a collective level and it will cause outstanding planetary events, as there is still so much...