
Showing posts with the label cycles

one who measures and who knows

I have been clearly seeing the New Earth on a different timeline, in its light-body and ascended dimension - since 2019. is the New Earth supposed to materialise or is ‘matter’ that which is supposed to transmute into a higher frequency?  as we each ascend and change vibration, our consciousness is bridging the two dimensions. whichever way we look at it, if the ascending collectives are still here, it must also be for a good reason and it means perhaps that there’s still something to be done. i write this  as Mercury is about to turn direct in Taurus and Jupiter is to enter Taurus, before Pluto gets fully activated by both Jupiter and Mars..  and  we are soon to hear  the Great Mother’ resounding clamour  “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.”  ~ Revelation 21:1 with every moon cycle there’s a sense of a dense grip  getting tighter around the world.  the moon energy pertains to the great mother moon  • m e hns • meh mother

Lightworkers don’t cheat!

  Information is not Knowledge. Opinion is not Truth. Lightworkers if and when they use the web, AI or Chatgpt dont confuse information with knowledge and they never talk about what they don’t “know”. Lightworkers don’t cheat. Lightworkers remain detached from the matrix no matter the circumstances. With the coming shift of the Nodal axis and Jupiter now in Aries soon to move in Taurus, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius.. during a ‘period’ there will be an expanding misuse by the matrix of all physical resources, whether material, virtual, mental or emotional. Lightworkers take time to differentiate and find their correct positioning , they know the difference between true and false Light. It is vital for all collectives to remain vigilant, firm, aligned, heart-centered, grounded, compassionate, humble and graceful while preserving correct boundaries , as well as act with resiliency, courage, integrity, authenticity in highest truth and love. blessing

mighty dragon

  the nodal axis , eclipses and their significance for our current times  the significance of a Solar or Lunar Eclipse is so profound and vertiginous that very few minds venture down its underpass the nodal axis (currently in Taurus - Scorpio) is also named after the dragon : the north as head and the south as tail. so to sense where the story may take us , just consider the Dragon with its fantastic legendary myths across various cultures to consider the energetic impact of an eclipse on a chart, one needs to consider the chart rulers and its progressions - while looking at how the eclipse is connecting to a given natal chart : any activation with a close orb to the angles and the personal planets will have a very powerful transformative impact on an individual during a full eclipse cycle - effects of eclipse cycles don’t follow the same patterns as planetary cycles .. the effect of some eclipse cycles can last up to 18years , and that’s a big part of a human life ! these are also cal

the Unfolding

  with this 0° Aries ingress and the Vernal equinox , Noruz , the New Day .. we entered the Solar New Year to be fully activated on 1 April 2022  a cardinal gateway that implies a change in energetic direction and starts a new solar cycle for the planet a moment celebrated since the most ancient times .. and has been ever since by the Light worshippers of the sacred land 18 March (full moon) - 20 March 2022 (vernal equinox) : the portal theoretically opened on 15 March three days before the full moon - but with the ongoing overlap of energies it actually has been a continuum since 13 March when the Sun entered its conjunction with Neptune (a taster for the coming Jupiter•Neptune) the unfolding has three stages : 13-20 March / 20-31 March / 31 March - 18 April 20 March 2022 at 15:33:26 gmt ~ 0° Aries ingress V ernal Equinox  1 April 2022 at 6:24:24 gmt ~ 11°30  Aries New Moon   12 April 2022 at 14:42 gmt ~ 23°58 Pisces Jupiter conj. Neptune  16 April 2022 at 18:54 gmt ~ 26°45 Libra Full

a karmic clearing

  Shani Deva by painter Ravi Varma representation of a divine personification of the planet Saturn  believed  in Hinduism to be a reincarnation of Krishna He is the god of Karma (deeds), justice, and retribution and delivers results depending upon one's thoughts, speech, and deeds (karma). December 2021 there are different types of journeys one of them for instance has a 33 year old threshold which by the way is only one initiatory stage amongst other ones for certain collectives I mention it here because there are misleading publications circulating around social networks are filled with posts and publications written by young souls who after one or two extra-ordinary experiences and after cleverly gleaning concepts and trends on the web are too eager to believe they know it all and who self-appoint themselves as ascended guides .. and want to jump on the self-marketing wagon when they have only started on their path  and they still have a very long journey ahead but, if they are

carry on, my soul! carry on!

  R. W. Service in front of his Yukon cabin. i am fascinated with Robert W. Service and i've been looking into his astral signature. considering the course of his life, my guess  is that he was born very early morning on 16 January 1874...  his chart with  a rising Moon in Sagittarius trine Neptune and square 9th house Lilith + Jupiter Sun in Capricorn trine Pluto and square Neptune on the Nadir Mercury conjunct Venus ruled by a 2nd house Saturn in Aquarius  which in turn is opposite Uranus ret. in Leo is in total resonance with his troubadour spirit, life and poetry his voice is so much that of a Neptunian Man  who embodied the Saturn-Uranus paradox Note : Pluto is currently transiting his natal Sun bringing  his words back to the fore and  this 2021 Eclipse season is activating his rising Sagittarius-Gemini axis interview in Monaco before his passing in 1958 It’s easy to fight when everything’s right, And you’re mad with thrill and the glory; It’s easy to cheer when victory’s n


10102020 the eternal return l’éternel retour 6 a choice making between the old and the new that’s what the crisis point is about let go of your old self release your ego your armour your weight your density 6 faire un choix entre l'ancien et le nouveau c’est le but de la crise lâche ton ancien moi libère toi de ton ego ton armure ton lest ta densité aside from its appearance or mathematical resonance the importance of this date is in its ending a two year cycle what was instilled and begun during the summer of 2018 has unfolded in stages and is now closing it will affect people in different ways essentially those who are most affected by current energies may either quietly reap the rewards or have to let go of their inflated sense of self importance whichever may be the case it will be fully revealed by December 2020 blessings x not for translation or reproduction without  authorisation  © stellArium & ethereal counterparts