
Showing posts with the label couples sacrés

La nuit noire

    Sans vouloir faire de généralités sur la nuit noire de l'âme, également appelée la "nuit de la foi", j'aimerais exprimer ce qui suit. La Nuit Noire est l'expérience de l'absence de Lumière et de Foi, comme si Dieu avait disparu et que nous ne savons plus à quoi nous accrocher. Alors que nous perdons toutes nos références intérieures et extérieures et que plus rien ne semble avoir de sens, ce sentiment "d'absence" devient insupportable, et une obscurité totale envahit tous nos sens et notre esprit - jusqu'à vivre un semblant de "mort". Le grand saint chrétien et mystique espagnol, Saint Jean de la Croix, est celui qui a le mieux décrit son expérience dans deux poèmes : "L'ascension du Mont Carmel" et "La nuit obscure de l'âme". Mais cette notion de nuit noire existe également sous différents noms dans toutes les traditions religieuses. À ce point le plus bas de notre parcours spirituel, ce qui émerge d...

A tale of a “milkmaid and her pail”

ill. : J. Désandré & W.-H. Freeman It’s decided, I’m a Twin Flame.. or maybe a false one. Imagine a person walking out the door one morning, and stumbling upon another who looks so very familiar. They somehow start talking to one another and decide to go for coffee. They realise they have much in common. They feel attraction and ease with one another: a story has started. There will be more coffees, outings, and soon they become intimate. They find their bond to be very special, unlike their previous experiences. One of the two who is familiar with internet trends and all sorts of romanticised labels, even starts identifying with the TF sticker. In any case, after some time the story has its bumps and complications.. ups and downs. In short, what any story is made of.  The two separate because it’s become a bit stifling for Person M who needs a breeze, even though Person F would prefer not. In fact the emotional dependency has become so intense for F, it’s close to being an add...

decoding (the journey) I

Before delving into several issues that come up during sessions, I would like to share a series of observations on prevalent notions that have garnered significant attention. In doing so, I aim to avoid lengthy discourses and repetitive content from previous posts. Taking into account that my certainties come from my codes and my primary reliance is on my higher guidance - “online research” represents  a supplementary alleyway. I occasionally  draw inspiration from writings of the past and may refer to them for certain specific confirmations. However, it is important to acknowledge that ancient texts were written for a different era that is already behind us. . We don't have multiple Twin Flames, the word Twin means two:  we only have one Twin Flame  with whom we were born out of the "white fire" of one single ovoid of Light in the Central Sun. At first, as two spheres of light and then as Souls once we descend through dimensions into Matter. Twin Flames are duplica...

the path to Ascension

  after transmutation of all energetic bodies, whence all fear, pain, want, projection, doubt, and separative thinking have been transmuted into Love. the beginning, the middle and the end. the path to Ascension is ONE and only , the path to ascension is taken by divine counterparts and ascension is embodied by the illuminated ones. the connection is brought into manifestation through their enlightened relationship, and their united hearts. it is the path of devotion to the beloved. it requires integration, breathing, and embodiment. Ascension comes with descension. there’s no separation between dimensions, between higher and lower, between inner and outer. it is the unified field of the ONE and only. the counterpart is ONE and only. the Ascension path is the path of self healing, self accountability, and self initiation. the Ascension path is the path of purity, grace, and truth.. in both self esteem and humility. the Ascension path is the path of courage, joy, happiness, communio...

Riding the Waves

RIDING THE WAVES 20.03.2023  @ 21:24:28 gmt Sun enters 0° Aries Nowruz - spring equinox 21.03.2023   @ 17:22 gmt New Moon 0°48 Aries 23.03.2023   @ 12:14 gmt Pluto enters 0° Aquarius  🌀 a call to light-workers, starseeds, way-showers, divine counterparts & flames.. the light bearers  *In the coming hours we need to prepare ourselves for what is to begin* .. get into energetic alignment, connect to our heart space, feel the inner Peace and keep our focus on the high light.. Shield our being with pure white light and maintain our vibration to its highest.  Don’t allow any heavy densities or dark energies to cloud your being or overwhelm you out of balance. If you manage to ride this wave , you will find yourself elevated, liberated and carried out of the loop. The planet is entering high turbulences and many may go out of control in numerous places. The tensions have been increasing to the point of uncontrollable eruption and are now going to break up....

astr 01

  New Earth astrology is an  emerging multidimensional encoded practice  that’s being channeled through a handful of starseed initiates. Its modalities are distinct from any other existing earthly systems.. likewise, divine counterparts astrology can only be multidimensional. Conventional astrological systems are methods for analysing and interpreting physical energies;  to go beyond the physical, the astrologer needs to hold the multidimensional keys that allow to compute astrological data. Those who profess to practice a so-called galactic astrology and merely look at fixed star alignments, don’t have a multidimensional practice. Neither are those who adopt mathematical approximations regarding planetary alignments in order to suit a mercantile discourse, really fit for this practice: the astrological art and language of interpreting mathematical aspects ought to be the expression of a clear rigorous mind that reflects the marvellous celestial order.  The mult...