Relocation chart

Your birth or natal chart is a drawn map of where the planets and some other astral bodies were located at the time and place you were born. No matter which zodiac and which house system you use, your birth chart is made of a unique set of mathematically calculated positions which will be the basis for all other astrological computations. Amongst the calculated data are the axis and house cusps, and these points give many layers of informations. Relocation astrology is made of several techniques, one of them is the relocation chart which adjust your birth data to a new time zone and geographical coordinates; and it should be read as a complementary chart to your natal chart. In the relocated chart, planetary positions stay the same whereas the angles and the house cusps change. When you move far away from your place of birth, you’ll notice how the new location affects your energies and perceptions, either in a positive way or on the contrary restrain them – in the new place, your...