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like drops

  I’ve done an extensive 5 years astro study for many countries (about 20 of them)  concentrating on those which are impacted by the 2020 planetary alignments  a month ago in re. to the #covid19 , Macron repeatedly mentioned a “war” .. in fact, I’d like to remind my dear readers that upon wining the elections in 2017 - he celebrated his victory next to the Louvre pyramid (surrounded by blatant “symbols”) and went up the Champs Elysées riding a tank (unlike any other french president of the fifth republic) .. in the earthly dimension, most people think what’s playing out now, is between the US and China  but that’s not counting with the unpredictable  to apprehend the unpredictable, one has to see beyond the earthly dimension but let’s say, if we don’t want to go back thousands if not 100s of thousands of years  in recent past, it all actually started in 1992-93 with a new Uranus Neptune cycle in Capricorn  it was in 1992 right after the fall of communism and the first golf war  after t