one who measures and who knows

I have been clearly seeing the New Earth on a different timeline, in its light-body and ascended dimension - since 2019. is the New Earth supposed to materialise or is ‘matter’ that which is supposed to transmute into a higher frequency? as we each ascend and change vibration, our consciousness is bridging the two dimensions. whichever way we look at it, if the ascending collectives are still here, it must also be for a good reason and it means perhaps that there’s still something to be done. i write this as Mercury is about to turn direct in Taurus and Jupiter is to enter Taurus, before Pluto gets fully activated by both Jupiter and Mars.. and we are soon to hear the Great Mother’ resounding clamour “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.” ~ Revelation 21:1 with every moon cycle there’s a sense of a dense grip getting tighter around the world. the moon energy pertains to th...