i am a whisper in the wind

©Alaleh Alamir In my simple words On this plane, the physical self doesn't remember its origin; after birth, an infant gradually starts forgetting and dissociating from higher planes. By coming into resonance with the environment and its density, a veil starts forming between the physical self and the soul. As the forgetting occurs, there will be a gradual need to compensate and build an ego. Over time, the physical self identifies with its mask, the ego, which is somewhat different from the image or idea we have of ourselves. Because the ego is mostly a creation of our subconscious, it carries our shadow (of which we are unaware). In our present times, both the ego and self-image are significant issues to tackle on the ascension journey. At the beginning, the physical self gradually mingles with all sorts of other beings. According to the expectations it meets in the environment, it starts shielding itself behind a personality, a persona, an image. It wears masks, which can be m...