
the voyage's been long and the winds blow strong time to leave the ego-boat, johnny .. time to flow they name it the Solstice Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse Solstice 20 June 2020 at 21:44 UTC New Moon in Cancer 21 June 2020 at 06:41 UTC hours after the Earth passes its 0° Cancer solstice point - 20.6.2020 the New Moon occurs at 0°21 Cancer (same degree as eclipse of 21 june 2001) and stages an annular solar eclipse or ring of fire when the Sun and Moon align with the Earth - 21.6.2020 New Moon quincunx Saturn in Aquarius and five retrograde planets : Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto are all aspects during this lunation which inflict necessary restriction and delays on the new cycle's impetus Many steps have recently led to this point - in particular since the eclipse 26.12.2019 which was followed by the great alignment of Saturn Pluto and later Jupiter in Capricorn .. since then, the lunar nodes have moved from the Cance...