
Showing posts with the label starseeds

stand in your true light

Vitruvian Man   Confused, desperate individuals who identify and cling to labels in an attempt to feel special, instead of confronting their issues and doing their inner work, are multiplying and contributing to the chaos. WAKE UP. Get off all drugs. Align yourself. Stop searching outside yourself for mental hooks or justifications. Turn off the screens. Limit your reliance on digital tools. Spend time connecting with the physical world—simply look, feel, and experience. Immerse yourself in nature until your body fully re-syncs with its authentic vibration. Recognize your triggers. Acknowledge your inner wounds, insecurities, and compensatory mechanisms, and begin your healing process. Take a long, purifying, and reflective bath.  Walk barefoot. Step away from the social image you’ve built or borrowed. Shed the masks. Start deprogramming from the old-Earth systems. Purge any distorted, toxic tendencies from your mental and emotional bodies. Practice deep breathing. Cultivate e...

i am a whisper in the wind

  ©Alaleh Alamir In my simple words On this plane, the physical self doesn't remember its origin; after birth, an infant gradually starts forgetting and dissociating from higher planes. By coming into resonance with the environment and its density, a veil starts forming between the physical self and the soul. As the forgetting occurs, there will be a gradual need to compensate and build an ego. Over time, the physical self identifies with its mask, the ego, which is somewhat different from the image or idea we have of ourselves. Because the ego is mostly a creation of our subconscious, it carries our shadow (of which we are unaware). In our present times, both the ego and self-image are significant issues to tackle on the ascension journey. At the beginning, the physical self gradually mingles with all sorts of other beings. According to the expectations it meets in the environment, it starts shielding itself behind a personality, a persona, an image. It wears masks, which can be m...

entre deux mondes

Le Château des Pyrénées, René Magritte - 1959, 200x145cm Il est facile de perdre un point de vue juste et correct lorsque notre existence est encombrée de trop nombreux dispositifs superflus. Nous finissons par nous sentir piégés dans un cycle de poursuites futiles et d'illusions qui occupent tout notre espace mental et notre attention. Le monde est saturé d'un excès de "choses": un surplus écrasant d'images, de sons, d'idées et de possessions matérielles. Comme une spirale qui nous entraîne dans le chaos, qui prospère des excès et nous plonge dans un désordre à la fois sombre et apparemment flamboyant - pour finalement et essentiellement nous mener vers une confrontation avec un vide sans précédent. Rompre avec tout cet excès ne peut se faire que par un choix délibéré, et il est crucial de reconnaître comment tout ce surplus de futilités est devenu un fardeau beaucoup trop lourd.  Dégager notre environnement, nous libérer et nous débarrasser d'objets maté...