
Showing posts with the label solstice

i am a whisper in the wind

  ©Alaleh Alamir In my simple words On this plane, the physical self doesn't remember its origin; after birth, an infant gradually starts forgetting and dissociating from higher planes. By coming into resonance with the environment and its density, a veil starts forming between the physical self and the soul. As the forgetting occurs, there will be a gradual need to compensate and build an ego. Over time, the physical self identifies with its mask, the ego, which is somewhat different from the image or idea we have of ourselves. Because the ego is mostly a creation of our subconscious, it carries our shadow (of which we are unaware). In our present times, both the ego and self-image are significant issues to tackle on the ascension journey. At the beginning, the physical self gradually mingles with all sorts of other beings. According to the expectations it meets in the environment, it starts shielding itself behind a personality, a persona, an image. It wears masks, which can be m...

Resplendent Return of the Light

December 2022 saw the opening of a sequenced set of portals which gave the ascending collectives, ample opportunities for a progressive preparation before stepping into this solstice and new moon  ascension gateway during this period you may have experienced additional uneasy shedding and releasing, in order to recalibrate and to anchor your light body.. as well as eventually stabilise your spheric chakra we all are aware by now that the regular practice of a spiritual discipline helps to maintain our energetic alignment, and to allow & integrate high frequency ‘influx’ — after regular practice, it has also become easier to shift and maintain our focus onto a higher state. these gateways are multidimensional bridges: they open for a limited time to allow for new Light it’s not unusual to feel evermore detached from the current physical environment and the mainstream, or to prefer a certain form of isolation in order to preserve the inner equilibrium .. remember, you’re not alon...

in this world but not of it

  you may feel a bit dizzy with this solstice and the shift of consciousness: the old is vanishing and the new is emerging evolution is a dynamic movement and there's no dynamic movement without duality: we have two legs to walk with.. on the matrix timeline the polarization and confrontation are getting accentuated towards a climax  in the process of Ascension there's an acceleration - we are stepping out of Duality of desiring of moving of doing .  Solstice 21.06.2022 at 09:14gmt New Moon  29.06.2022 at 2:52gmt  the Sun entered 0° Cancer on 21 june and within days Neptune turns retrograde 24 june , before a New Moon joining Lilith in Cancer 29 june , all square Jupiter in Aries , while Mars in Aries square Pluto and Venus and Mercury move through Gemini .. the energetic signature of these charts is about aligning our position within our soul tribe fixed star alignments also indicate that starseed Twin Flame collectives are entering soul mission : you are in ...