the blue star

7.7 - 8.8.2022 most precious encoded month sees c2017K2 most important comet in 500 years passing closest to earth 14.07-20.07.2022 which also is one of the most ancient entities to ever enter our inner solar system bringing a message from other dimensions to clear the air and release debris from the old world magnifying the energetic portal that stays open throughout a whole month accelerating the clearing of old structures and precipitating a catharsis astrologically particularly significant period with retrogrades (time suspended), Pluto oppositions (what had been kept hidden is irremediably out) and Mars conjunct Uranus and North Node in Taurus (fire of fire) i see this is as the signal for humanity's true destination would this be the ninth sign , the Blue Star announced by the Hopis? the Day of Purification 7/7 - 8/8/2022 … this month-long most precious enc...