stand in your true light

Vitruvian Man Confused, desperate individuals who identify and cling to labels in an attempt to feel special, instead of confronting their issues and doing their inner work, are multiplying and contributing to the chaos. WAKE UP. Get off all drugs. Align yourself. Stop searching outside yourself for mental hooks or justifications. Turn off the screens. Limit your reliance on digital tools. Spend time connecting with the physical world—simply look, feel, and experience. Immerse yourself in nature until your body fully re-syncs with its authentic vibration. Recognize your triggers. Acknowledge your inner wounds, insecurities, and compensatory mechanisms, and begin your healing process. Take a long, purifying, and reflective bath. Walk barefoot. Step away from the social image you’ve built or borrowed. Shed the masks. Start deprogramming from the old-Earth systems. Purge any distorted, toxic tendencies from your mental and emotional bodies. Practice deep breathing. Cultivate e...