
Showing posts with the label mercury

shrewd as a snake gentle as a dove

  “E la nave va”  Alaleh Alamir © adagp 2025 29.01.2025  New Moon 9°51 Aquarius  ruled by Uranus in Taurus stationed direct  sextile Mars and Venus  trine Jupiter in Gemini ruled by Mercury conjunct Pluto 1°58 Aquarius  New Moon   9°51  Aquarius 29.01.2025, 12:35gmt On a mundane level, there have been storms, fires, floods, terrible crimes, grand spectacles and ceremonies glorifying weird oligarchs, announced truces amid the devastation, exaggerated planetary parades, and so much noise to drown out the humbling voices. It’s amazing how, according to the dystopian narrative: It’s considered now time to stop fact-checking. Meanwhile, speaking out against blatant genocide or an expansionist agenda in disguise is labeled anti-Semitic, but a crazed billionaire’s Nazi salute and his financial support for Neo-Nazi groups somehow isn’t. So my message is simple and direct: Do whatever it takes to stay true to your soul. Dare to step beyond the na...

children know

  25.05.2022 Sun in Gemini and Mercury retro - while Moon Mars Jupiter Chiron Venus are all in Aries,  a fiery burst for  light warriors to be positioning ! Aries stellium 25.05.2022 @ 21:48 gmt before Venus enters its square with Pluto (26.05) just long enough to have us review if we're operating from the heart or from the wounded space..  Venus will then leave (28.05) the fire bundle to go home in quiet and safe Taurus. 30.05.2022  New Moon 9°03 Gemini  to say goodbye to the eclipse season and remember how important communication can be, taken that you have a clear and learned mind since Mercury is still retrograde .. it will however feel like  a moment of respite  as Mercury turns direct (03.06) .. but not long enough when Saturn turns retrograde (04.06) until October, giving us plenty of time to revise our recent blueprints.  New Moon 30.05.2022 @ 11:30 gmt it is also a month to remind us that the New Earth really belongs to the children ...

remember the sound that matters

freedom  V conformity consensus liability and intrusion a karmic cycle ends and the continuing story that seems to only begin * > 2008 Pluto ingress Capricorn capitalism suffers a systemic crisis : people mistrust the system > 2020 Saturn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn covid pandemic as a master plan : a timeline collapse > 2021 • Nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius axis • Jupiter conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius • Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus a systemic mis-alignment , the matrix and its scientific paradox * REMEMBER THE SOUND THAT MATTERS * Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini conjunct North Node and Mercury retrograde square Neptune Saturn retrograde square Uranus Venus square Chiron and sextile Uranus Mars opposition Pluto and inconjunct Jupiter 10.06.2021 @ 10:52:38 UT symbol 20° gemini A modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions. Keynote: The assimilation of multifarious knowledge through the synthesizing power of t...

chante - clair

Mercury and its orbit - Ottoman illuminated and illustrated version of ʿAjāʾib al-makhlūqāt (Wonders of creation) by Zakarīyā al-Qazwīnī   The Mercury cycle according to Rudhyar :   In the usual kind of geocentric astrology no distinction is made between the two kinds of conjunction of Mercury and the Sun, except that at "inferior" conjunction Mercury is retrograde, while at "superior" conjunction Mercury is direct. In heliocentric astrology the situation is quite different, because an inferior geocentric conjunction of Mercury and the Sun means that the Earth is conjunct Mercury, while a superior geocentric conjunction indicates that the Earth is in opposition to Mercury. Thus when Mercury is retrograde geocentrically, Mercury is heliocentrically near the Earth; and at the heliocentric conjunction of Mercury and the earth, a line is formed by Sun, Mercury and Earth, with Mercury and Earth, with Mercury between the Sun and the Earth thus as ...

tear off the veil

  (from jodrellbank centre)  We are going through the last planetary occultation of Regulus (Qalb el Asad) in Leo after 5000 years (or the lesser wheel in recorded history). It enters the constellation Virgo in 2012 and is eclipsed by Mercury at last degree of Leo tonight (visible at dawn, low on the eastern horizon) The brightest Star in the constellation of Leo (Alpha Leonis) it is closest to the ecliptic (occasionally eclipsed by Mercury or Venus) In Zoroastrian belief (as found in the Zend-Avesta) Regulus (Venant) was considered as the guardian of the (South) Persian Kingdom and presiding over affairs of all kingdoms (literally and metaphorically).. 2012 will represent a shift in our universe A shift in our vision of the world, of ourselves We are officially entering a new age - after thousands of years, our perception of matter (4%) a very small proportion of the universe .. our concepts of power, energy, love, life, ego, identity, etc are to change !! With Nep...

fair-culture 1

In the same manner we'd come up with the notion of fair-trade, it has become obvious at least to me that the "new world" we keep talking about, is in deep need of implementing a fair-culture. I usually find wordiness to blur meaning and my general feeling about the increasing jabber on the blogosphere is that we would be better off expressing ourselves with greater parsimony. The ever-increasing saturation of our world by restless noise and buzzing information-news-opinions-stories in our cyberspace .. is reaching such a degree of non-sense that many of us may want to 'turn it off'. Don't they say God likes silence? Despite the current need for silence, I will explain what I mean by fair-culture and propose an ethereal counterpart to this eclipse season through several posts. This part is an introduction. kali yantra ©Vamakhepa With a sequence of three eclipses during the next month, I can think of no better time to dust off som...

the eternal return - 2

Hermes with his mischevious gaze... 2° Mercury goes retrograde on Sept. 24th until Oct. 15th 2008. There is an obsession amongst conventional astrologers with Mercury going retrograde. Many start panicking way in advance, and usually isolate it from the larger picture. It might well be that they depend much on the particulars of Mercury for their own mundane activities. My stand on the subject is more detached. Because Mercury is the fastest of all planets in the solar system, it goes retrograde several times a year and I see more significance in the retrograde motions of other planets. All the planets (except Sun and Moon which are luminaries) have retrograde periods. Mercury is most famous for them, probably because it rules all things pertaining to communication. This said, the coming Mercury retrograde will have an unusual impact on the individual level, considering the contacts it will be making along the way, activating mishaps in personal realms. In astrology, ret...

the eternal return - 1

when the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator What I've learned throughout the years, is that no matter how you convey anything related to astrology, there are very few people (astrologers themselves included) who will take heed and act with greater consciousness or freedom of will. When I lived in New York City, I was regularly consulted by several Wall Street brokers (they helped me pay my way through my degree)... At some point I was even asked to work for the US government. Following my instinct I declined, resuming also my collaboration with the brokers (except for one: "P" who was my close friend) and eventually decided to buy my one way ticket to Europe. Over the years "P" has been consulting me on a yearly basis, but since last year the tempo has changed and I've done a number of different studies for him offering thorough advice and solutions. Last night he called me almost in tears and recognized that he never really followed any of my ...