
13-15 dec 2022 possibly most spectacular of the year , unlike most other meteor showers which originate from comets - the Geminids emanate from asteroid Phaethon ‘the shining or the radiant one’ Phaethon's most remarkable distinction is that it approaches the Sun closer than any other numbered asteroid. Phaethon’s father Helios was always absent, busy illuminating the world. So he needed to prove to his peers who didn’t believe him, that he was the son of Helios. He went to his father and asked to drive the solar chariot for a day ; his wish was granted by his father reluctantly , because the chariot was of fire and the steeds of flames… as a result of his exuberance and inexperience , Phaethon was unable to steer properly .. the reckless ride turned into such havoc , it brought darkness onto Earth .. until Zeus ejected him ! such is the tale of a falling Star "Phaethon symbolises the risk that humans take to venture into a new horizon, the risk to tread the new path that woul...