diamond heart

31.12.22–1.1.2023 Words matter II the passage into 2023 will empower us if we are at our purest to allow for change.. a total release of the old paradigms, an undoing of toxic cords and a letting go of fears rid of past programming, conditioning, memories, automatic thinking and induced thoughts, formatted emotions, disconnected intentions, hidden motives, compulsive attachments and unconscious desires what is stagnant doesn’t support Life.. life is a conductor, at all manifested levels of being; it follows a spiralling motion that moves along cyclic rhythms - whenever something disturbs the natural rhythm, it also creates impediments to our ascension which is an encoded process Pluto brings the somber and darkest to the fore so that we break petrified chains and transmute them into vibrant gold and light the process demands a deep detox in all energetic bodies, an inner reshuffling and realigning at all levels.. a healing purification through Love, sincerity, connectedness, joyfu...