
Showing posts with the label practice and rituals

Another year over..

  2023 is over it is possibly time - overdue - for those hesitant or still wondering, to awaken to an ultimate reality WE CREATE OUR REALITY the more we focus, envision, think, about something, the more we’ll manifest it into our lives and our reality the more we listen to an outside (alien) narrative, the more it will get imprinted in our mind, our being, and unconsciously we participate in its coming to be let go NOW of the narratives of fear, hate, division, war, and destruction these will disappear the minute  - enough of us retrieve our attention and focus - from their wavelength… - enough of us let go of “their” imposed dark design and storyline when enough of us turn our focus on LIGHT we turn our story to an illuminated one I invite you all to stop watching their channels, their images, their sounds.. I invite you all to believe in yourselves, in your sovereignty, in your wholeness, in your power to BE your authentic, original selves unpolluted by their dark design I i...

Energy clearing - basics

  Understanding and learning how to clear and protect your energies is important for a Lightworker. Basics - Aura Your aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up on emotions, health, psychic debris, and circumstances around you. It is heavily impacted by the situations and people you interact with.  Since you are constantly exchanging energies with the environment, your aura can experience stress during this exchange of energies, and it is common for your auric field to get weak due to cluttered psychic debris, picking on toxic energies, or even other people’s negative thoughts and emotions. You may as a result feel stressed, anxious, irritated, lethargic, impatient, and even develop a negative outlook towards the world. Your immune system may also take a beating, making you highly susceptible to falling sick - which is exactly why you need to clean your auric field from time to time. Evil Eye When your aura is weak,...


There are so many intricacies in the ascending path, such as the role of cause and effect which is in fact significant in any spiritual journey.  The experiences on such journeys are most often the result of past actions, choices, and our unique soul frequency that have led us to meet and connect with people whom we have a karmic connection or a soul bond with.  As for counterparts, their connection varies greatly in quality, depending on past life experiences and karma.. and in this context, it could be the result of actions and choices made in previous earthly lifetimes.  For those counterparts who are volunteers, the connection is the result of cosmic forces bringing them together in order to complete a common mission with a spiritual purpose. Regardless, the ascending journey involves an energetic transmutation. In case of having to undo karmic knots and undergo a deep spiritual transformation, it can be facilitated by exploring past lives in order to gain a deeper un...

the sacred month

  “1959 : A scuola in carrucola” 11.11 - 21.12.2021 - the sacred month 11.11 portal lunar eclipse 19.11.2021 solar eclipse 4.12.2021 12.12 portal Solstice 21.12.2021 Neptune direct 1.12.2021 Full Moon 19.12.2021 Chiron direct 19.12.2021 Venus retro. 19.12.2021 the story unfolds following the 2020 Jupiter Saturn Pluto conjunction and the timeline collapse we underwent the 2021 frequency splitting people on Earth now live along two different timelines & according to two distinct vibrations a majority is still navigating in between the collectives who have volunteered to help others should be evermore focused enthusiastic and resolved to assist them towards the New Shore blessings AA Not for translation or reproduction without my permission © stellArium & ethereal counterparts


we are living a period of fabulous transmissions and energies that are so incredibly significant for the various soul collectives! doesn't the current planetary configuration during this full moon which has been exceptionally close to Earth, inspire you clearer and increased discernment? while the Sun in Pisces is under the spell of a Mercury-Neptune conjonction the sign of Virgo stamps its gentle and supra-powerful lucid reflection at 1° on this lunation  which is conjunct Regulus and activates the 21   August 2017 total solar Eclipse  its quincunx with Chiron and trine with Mars and Uranus as well as its being "framed" by two conjunctions of Venus,  one with Saturn and another on 23°Capricorn with Pluto and the South-Node, all act as reminders: the importance of a persevering repeated and regular practice  such as meditation, visualisation etc. that our soul groups' mission and destination are sealed and protecte...