
Showing posts with the label taurus


Steve Mccurry, Afghan Girl (with her mesmerising eyes) Pakistan,1984 Chart : Mars conjunct Uranus (& Algol), 15.07.24 at 14:04gmt 15072024 Mars conjunct Uranus (and Algol) in Taurus — most activated by the Moon on 160724 Sun (Cancer) squares Chiron (Aries)… paving for 210724 anaretic Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto on peut vivre en chair et en os, on peut vivre les pieds sur terre et la tête connectée à soi-même.. One can live in flesh and blood, with their feet anchored to the heart of Gaia, and their head connected to “themselves”. The alignment to one’s authentic sense of self can only happen once we’ve cleared all artificial perspective. The Medusa’s mesmerising hypnotic function enhances the importance of vision and sight through this transit, that may translate for some as a connective flash of unbearable brilliant Truth. When Uranus is involved, a sudden thunderbolt tears the accumulated Saturnian veils… that were initially aimed at protecting our sight from the blinding ...

one who measures and who knows

I have been clearly seeing the New Earth on a different timeline, in its light-body and ascended dimension - since 2019. is the New Earth supposed to materialise or is ‘matter’ that which is supposed to transmute into a higher frequency?  as we each ascend and change vibration, our consciousness is bridging the two dimensions. whichever way we look at it, if the ascending collectives are still here, it must also be for a good reason and it means perhaps that there’s still something to be done. i write this  as Mercury is about to turn direct in Taurus and Jupiter is to enter Taurus, before Pluto gets fully activated by both Jupiter and Mars..  and  we are soon to hear  the Great Mother’ resounding clamour  “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.”  ~ Revelation 21:1 with every moon cycle there’s a sense of a dense grip  getting tighter around the world.  the moon energy pertains to th...

la courbe

  Le corridor entre les deux éclipses du 20 avril et du 5 mai 2023 est ressenti comme une période très inconfortable par beaucoup d'entre nous. Tout en étant un accélérateur pour tous, il est vécu comme un tourbillon par ceux d’entre nous qui sommes en ascension. Au cours de cette période, l'éclipse totale du Soleil dans le dernier degré anarétique du Bélier est en carré avec Pluton dans le premier degré du Verseau, puis Mercure entre en rétrogradation en Taureau, tandis que Mars n’est pas du tout confortable dans sa traversée du signe du Cancer. De plus, l'éclipse lunaire en Scorpion opposée à Uranus va clore le passage nodal à travers l'axe Taureau-Scorpion.  Cette éclipse lunaire s'accompagne également de Vénus en Gémeaux en carré avec Neptune et en sextile avec Jupiter en Bélier, qui lui se rapproche du point de l'éclipse solaire en carré avec Pluton (le gouverneur de l'éclipse lunaire). Eclipse Solaire 29°49 Bélier 20.04.2023 4:12gmt Eclipse Lunaire 14°...

the unlocking

Los Guerreros del Viento, 2019 ~ G. Muñoz Vera are your sails ready?   the Unfolding has given us the vision and a multidimensional map, as well as prepared us with a proper alignment and positioning .. if you feel like you still need some adjustment, the time is now   without a pause, the eclipse season is starting another determining phase: the collectives are creating their momentum  Partial Solar Eclipse 30 April 2022 at 20:28gmt -  10°28 Taurus   the Partial Solar Eclipse at 10°28 Taurus  is conjunct Uranus and Eros, which may ignite much fire and inevitable change on an individual level and it even can manifest in various types of chaos on a social level. the Taurus New Moon is ruled by Venus (in Pisces) which has joined the Jupiter Neptune conjunction: for some this could bring them to look for exuberant pleasure, or enjoy abundant opportunities and good luck; for others it may open channels for high inspiration, compassion and love  intere...

the ultimate commitment

  • Full Moon in Cancer — 17.01.2022 at 23:48gmt Moon 28° Cancer opposite Sun, Pluto and asteroid Juno in Capricorn sextile North Node in Taurus  • Mars in Sagittarius T.square Lilith in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces  • Venus retro. in Capricorn (ruler) trine Uranus in Taurus — in turn square Saturn in Aquarius — in turn conjunct Mercury retro. there always is a standstill before a reversal of polarities with the Capricorn/Cancer axis whenever a portal opens and planetary bodies are aligned with Pluto, those whose charts are directly affected will feel like they're vacuumed in a powerful vortex Pluto can indicate  for this lunation,  a type of closure for certain past power struggles that have emerged again, thus teaching us  appropriate ways to manage intense emotions by releasing outdated patterns and attachments but it also brings to light what's dark and secret or even hidden manipulations,  in order to purge and transform  the outdated, corrup...