
Showing posts with the label planetary cycles

shrewd as a snake gentle as a dove

  “E la nave va”  Alaleh Alamir © adagp 2025 29.01.2025  New Moon 9°51 Aquarius  ruled by Uranus in Taurus stationed direct  sextile Mars and Venus  trine Jupiter in Gemini ruled by Mercury conjunct Pluto 1°58 Aquarius  New Moon   9°51  Aquarius 29.01.2025, 12:35gmt On a mundane level, there have been storms, fires, floods, terrible crimes, grand spectacles and ceremonies glorifying weird oligarchs, announced truces amid the devastation, exaggerated planetary parades, and so much noise to drown out the humbling voices. It’s amazing how, according to the dystopian narrative: It’s considered now time to stop fact-checking. Meanwhile, speaking out against blatant genocide or an expansionist agenda in disguise is labeled anti-Semitic, but a crazed billionaire’s Nazi salute and his financial support for Neo-Nazi groups somehow isn’t. So my message is simple and direct: Do whatever it takes to stay true to your soul. Dare to step beyond the na...

the ram and the goat

new moon opposite the galactic center, venus retrograde, jupiter in gemini, summer solstice, sun opposite pluto ... there are now several celestial configurations highlighting and activating a major 2012 planetary cycle, namely : uranus in aries (ram) square pluto in capricorn (goat) ever since daniel's prophetic vision came to my mind, i have been pondering over the many layers of meaning held within it - how could they relate to our times and here is for your own consideration : Daniel's vision of  " the Ram and the Goat " 1. In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first. 2. And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai. 3. Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which ha...