this morning, I am reminded of COP28 and its paradoxes flying over 70,000 participants to one of the global epicenters of gas, oil production, and CO2 emissions. amidst a backdrop of fossil fuel advocates, leaders of national oil companies and major CO2 producers partake in a ceremony advocating for renewable energies. these people are to address for the 28th time the same old issues of "Trust" "Cooperation" "Voluntary contributions" while for the 28th time, scientists “urgently” emphasize the imperative for resolute decisions, pressing for the immediate abandonment of these very fossil fuels . . . yet, the list of paradoxes is much longer. amid wars and conflicts, some prioritise rearmament over decarbonisation. so how could they muster a minimum momentum to bridge their divisions? a war in Europe and one in the Middle East have been triggers for an escalating dis-trust and an ...