
Showing posts with the label libra

just like butterflies

  Butterflies Surimono   by Shunman (1757–1820) Pluto has been retrograde since May 2023, in its dance from Capricorn to Aquarius and back, giving us many opportunities for transformation; it is now about to turn direct (11 October 2023) right before a powerful Solar Eclipse. The current Mars activation (Middle-East) of the Chiron Pluto square, opens the portal for the Eclipse and brings very ancient wounds back to light, under heavy Saturnian pressure (finance/economy) on Venus (self-worth) conjunct Lilith (rebellion). These energies at hand represent a difficult patch for many, who may feel like they’re going through the dark. Pluto represents the process of death and rebirth, which empowers us through resilience and self-mastery. But it also represents what is unconscious and hidden whether on an individual or collective level. With Pluto we learn that the experience of loss, pain or fear are all preprogrammed mental projections.. we need to release.  Let go of depleted passing phas

Singing Fountain

  This September 2023 Equinox was a gateway to inner Alignment before the October 2023 Solar Eclipse. A handful of New Earth, Starseeds, and Twin Flames key-codes holders/keepers, presently incarnated on Earth, are placed across the planet, in order to activate and stabilise a number of grids. They each hold a specific mode for transmitting Light codes and activating Light bodies. They can only operate and emanate after having integrated their Zero-point frequency which stands beyond common timelines or the contrived mental verbiage: such frequencies can’t be artificially reproduced, but can only be detected by those who are meant to be in resonance. As we enter a peculiar Eclipse season of utmost importance for a number of collectives, beware of transmissions that are not in full resonance with your own core frequency. The summer retrogrades have had a double effect: Light and muddling. There’s a new edge now to what is expected from the ascending: if you have been deceived by seeming

October, October

October, October   as we approach the eclipse season  and to follow my previous post on the silent gold ...  i’d like to remind genuine starseeds and twin flames that we have volunteered to incarnate on Earth during this cosmic shift starseeds need now to only focus on their specific assignments and keep regenerating their energies twin flames alchemists who are done with much of their personal clearing , need to continue transmuting densities into Light until they reach their specific Union frequency and hear their collective call “the silent gold” (Pisces FM conjunct Neptune 10.09.22 - Equinox/Libra NM 25.09.22) saw the closing of a great karmic cycle for all collectives and the ceremonies around the passing of queen Elisabeth II has been a remarkable symbol for these times — meanwhile the systemic collapse is accelerating onward during this past September, the 144k have been upgraded with light codes and transmissions which enabled them to step into their core alignment and ascend t

Twin Flames and the Unfolding

  Twin flames are high vibrational Flames they are high vibrational beings incarnating together during this exceptional cosmic shift and transitional time ..  they are here with a collective purpose that goes beyond their personal aspiration and desire : they are purifying thousands of years of twisted trans-generational DNA and they’re ascending, returning to their original frequency .. in doing so, they’re helping others whom they’re in contact with, who are in their energetic sphere vertically (bloodline) and horizontally (environment and social networks)  Twin flames are not alone , they are surrounded by many angels and spiritual ascended entities  Twin flames form various collectives .. they have incarnated in waves - they belong to the same cosmic ocean , they are in Unity consciousness , they are in alignment with the Soul  twin flames are high vibrational but each pair has a unique frequency : they are part of the 144000 and partake in the grid  Twin flames are not friends , t

the gift

  go through the October Ascension Gateway 7-12.10.2021 with the pure open heart at all levels in all dimensions Love wins 9.10.2021 @ 19:36:39 GMT Venus rule • Moon 2°34 Sag conjunct Venus and SN • Sun 16°43 Lib conjunct Mercury ret and Mars inconjunct Uranus • Aries FullMoon  20.10.2021 @ 27°25 conj Eris Sun conjunct Mars in Libra conj Haumea square Pluto in Capricorn conj Chariklo sextile Jupiter conj Sappho in Aquarius Mercury in Libra direct trine Saturn in Aquarius direct and Lilith conj NN & Ceres in Gemini . opp Venus close your eyes take a deep breath and allow for the purification • ascension is above all about release purification and  allowing it is your  soulsong the ultimate gift • symbols for this full moon “Lost opportunity regained in the imagination” “A man in the midst of brightening influences” • Not for translation or reproduction without my permission © stellArium & ethereal counterparts

Light over Dark

the Power of Light over the Dark  All Saints / Toussaint / Diwali many feel the growing grind of  Mars  in Libra  in its approaching square to Pluto  in Capricorn  - 5.11.19 @ 10:30gmt (very active tomorrow 2.11.19 by a Moon conjunction)  w Venus entering Sagittarius and Mercury retrograde in Scorpio  • We must understand that we are ONE  dark forces are not external to us... whether individual or collective these energies represent parts of ourselves that take shape / materialize and call for our attention in order to be illuminated by our consciousness .. they will keep calling upon us as signposts on our path until we do the integrative work  the struggle can be fierce and extremely painful  let there be light  ⭐️ Il faut cependant comprendre que nous sommes UN les forces obscures ne sont pas extérieures .. elles représentent des parts de nous mêmes qui prennent forme / se matérialisent et appellent notre attention a

day equals night

Fall Equinox  23.9.19 - 7:50:11 gmt  an invitation to join this ancestral celebration  moving into the second half of the solar year the Sun enters Libra  commune with Nature and align with the cosmic pulse of all Life  when day equals night and there’s a balance between light and dark  just days before the Libra New Moon and before the great alignment that’s to take place during the next winter season this equinox chart indicates a season of thorough transformation  tinted by a powerful karmic release as Saturn in Capricorn  is passing once more over the South Node   rather activated now, it forms a T-Square with the Moon in Cancer and Mercury in Libra (without forgetting the libran string to follow Venus, Sun and Mars) meanwhile  • the Sun is also entering its opposition to Chiron  in Aries  • 7 out of 12 bodies are in a cardinal sign  • moreover Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are all in their home signs  we are called :  to once more purge


Full Moon on 19 April 2019 takes place at 11:12 GMT 12:12 London 13:12 France 07:12 NY 4:12 LA. the Sun is past 29 ° Aries in exact opposition to the Moon in Libra - the effects of a lunation or any other transit is usually felt like a wave slowly coming towards the shore and receding back... Aspectarian • while the Sun is in an approaching conjunction with Uranus (2° Taurus); in a separating trine to Jupiter Retrograde (24° Sagittarius); in a sextile with the Black Moon (28° Aquarius) and Juno (29° Gemini); • the Moon opposes Uranus; sextiles Jupiter R.; trines the Black Moon and Juno, quincunx Venus its ruler • Most importantly Sun and Moon are in a T-square with the cluster Saturn, Pluto, and South Node (from 20° to 23° Capricorn). • Aside from this Sun-Moon axis, we also have Venus in Pisces (ruling both the Moon and Uranus) which is in a wide conjunction to Mercury and Chiron in Aries • Chiron Mercury and the Sun all in Aries are ruled by Mars in Gemini - so there’s