opening of the fan (2012) … the past, the present, the future all merging

1391 / 2012 solar year = The past, the present, the future are all merging Like a slow opening fan, the told and untold are now unfolding... Nowruz 1391, Vernal Equinox 20 March 2012, 5:14:27 UT, 7e15, 43n42 we praise good thoughts, good words and good deeds performed here and elsewhere now and in the past we revere them and we remember them New Moon 22 March 2012, 14:37:06UT, 55e18, 25n18 symbol 3° Aries: “ The Cameo Profile Of A Man, Suggesting The Shape Of His Country ” Rudhyar's key : The sustaining power of the Whole, as the individual identifies themselves with It’s life. With Neptune in Pisces and the Grand Earth Trine running over the past months... I have felt that, except for redundancy, there's been little to convey about recent astrological alignments and cycles. Earth element doesn't like words as much as 'being'. But days before Pluto in Capricorn goes retrograde again...