Energy clearing - basics

Understanding and learning how to clear and protect your energies is important for a Lightworker. Basics - Aura Your aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up on emotions, health, psychic debris, and circumstances around you. It is heavily impacted by the situations and people you interact with. Since you are constantly exchanging energies with the environment, your aura can experience stress during this exchange of energies, and it is common for your auric field to get weak due to cluttered psychic debris, picking on toxic energies, or even other people’s negative thoughts and emotions. You may as a result feel stressed, anxious, irritated, lethargic, impatient, and even develop a negative outlook towards the world. Your immune system may also take a beating, making you highly susceptible to falling sick - which is exactly why you need to clean your auric field from time to time. Evil Eye When your aura is weak,...