
Showing posts with the label the work

Energy clearing - basics

  Understanding and learning how to clear and protect your energies is important for a Lightworker. Basics - Aura Your aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up on emotions, health, psychic debris, and circumstances around you. It is heavily impacted by the situations and people you interact with.  Since you are constantly exchanging energies with the environment, your aura can experience stress during this exchange of energies, and it is common for your auric field to get weak due to cluttered psychic debris, picking on toxic energies, or even other people’s negative thoughts and emotions. You may as a result feel stressed, anxious, irritated, lethargic, impatient, and even develop a negative outlook towards the world. Your immune system may also take a beating, making you highly susceptible to falling sick - which is exactly why you need to clean your auric field from time to time. Evil Eye When your aura is weak,...

The Dark Night

  Without wanting to make generalities re. the dark night of the soul - which is also called the “night of faith”, I’d like to say the following. The Dark Night is when we experience the absence of Light, and Faith, as if God has disappeared and we no longer know what to hold on to. As we loose hold of all inner and outer bearings and nothing seems to make any sense, the feeling of “absence” seems unbearable, and a total darkness overtakes all our senses and our mind - to the point of a seeming “death”.. The Spanish Christian Saint and Mystic, St John of the Cross best described his experience in two poems:  Ascent of Mount Carmel  and  The Dark Night of the Soul . But the same notion also exists under different names in all religious traditions. At this low point of our spiritual journey, what emerges from the deepest part of our being is at first a form of utter desolation. It is a period during which we undergo a thorough energetic “purification” and a release of ...

the sequence

there always is something energetically very noteworthy in certain planetary sequences such as that of 28 February 2022  this one opens the portal for the coming new moon in Pisces (2 March 2022) and is marked by three stelliums and applying conjunctions involving all personal planets and luminaries : Venus Mars and Pluto in Capricorn , Saturn Moon and Mercury in Aquarius , Sun and Jupiter in Pisces .. the unfolding is transformative at both a personal and social levels. the Venus Mars Pluto conjunction is indicative of a ruthless violence .. coming out in a controlled way as Saturn the ruler is in detached Aquarius and joined by Mercury and Moon , which may work as a tempering strategising alignment.  with Sun Jupiter (and Neptune the ruler) in Pisces, there’s a call for self sacrifice while some may become victims and others push as far as playing “saviours” but the masses are bound to be unfortunately totally manipulated .. with no hope of tearing the veil - or hearing the ...

the sacred month

  “1959 : A scuola in carrucola” 11.11 - 21.12.2021 - the sacred month 11.11 portal lunar eclipse 19.11.2021 solar eclipse 4.12.2021 12.12 portal Solstice 21.12.2021 Neptune direct 1.12.2021 Full Moon 19.12.2021 Chiron direct 19.12.2021 Venus retro. 19.12.2021 the story unfolds following the 2020 Jupiter Saturn Pluto conjunction and the timeline collapse we underwent the 2021 frequency splitting people on Earth now live along two different timelines & according to two distinct vibrations a majority is still navigating in between the collectives who have volunteered to help others should be evermore focused enthusiastic and resolved to assist them towards the New Shore blessings AA Not for translation or reproduction without my permission © stellArium & ethereal counterparts