with bow and arrow

“Amid the whirling forces, I stand confused. I know them not, for, during all my past, they swept me up and down the land wherein I moved, blinded and unaware. From place to place and point to point, they drove me up and down the land and nowhere was there rest.” Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey Azar in November-December corresponds to Āçiyādiya, "Month of the worship of fire", whence Kaman or Nimasp (the centaur) represents a hunting divinity symbolised by the bow and arrow. It was called the Light of the White Face , the Flowing Day , the Smiting Sun Face and its constellation was the Star of the Bow with which Rukbat was associated. It is also called Sagittarius, the ninth Sign of the Zodiac. Alpha Sagittarii, a star in the Sagittarius constellation, has the traditional names Alrami and Rukbat, derived from the Arabic rukbat al-rāmī = the knee of the archer. Rukbat means 'knee' in Arabic. In the stan...