flames - flammes

flames (or twin flames) do not belong to the same soul group as "twin souls" there are many groups each group of souls is recognisable by a particular vibration and each group has its own path and mission 2019 and beyond are pivotal years our group will be called upon to "operate" to irradiate to emanate so you need to be focused and determined flames remain rare and few in numbers and feel solidarity with other flames those who have turned guiding and accompanying other flames into a lucrative business ... €€€ are working against their own mission we are pioneers we will only find answers by looking inside ourselves the more we look outside, the further we move from our path we won't find adequate support in theories, religion psychology alchemy or in any other old world systems as these pull us back and down and are all bound to disappear turn your gaze inward and rise up summon your higher guides be attentive repeat your invocations and you will receive a...