
Showing posts with the label soul tribe

in this world but not of it

  you may feel a bit dizzy with this solstice and the shift of consciousness: the old is vanishing and the new is emerging evolution is a dynamic movement and there's no dynamic movement without duality: we have two legs to walk with.. on the matrix timeline the polarization and confrontation are getting accentuated towards a climax  in the process of Ascension there's an acceleration - we are stepping out of Duality of desiring of moving of doing .  Solstice 21.06.2022 at 09:14gmt New Moon  29.06.2022 at 2:52gmt  the Sun entered 0° Cancer on 21 june and within days Neptune turns retrograde 24 june , before a New Moon joining Lilith in Cancer 29 june , all square Jupiter in Aries , while Mars in Aries square Pluto and Venus and Mercury move through Gemini .. the energetic signature of these charts is about aligning our position within our soul tribe fixed star alignments also indicate that starseed Twin Flame collectives are entering soul mission : you are in ...