truly and simply from the heart

06.06.2024 New Moon in Gemini 12:37gmt Addressing the current urgent necessity of being aligned with one’s authenticity and truth, standing in one’s true self is essential to proceed and contribute meaningfully in these times. Nothing less than truth and authenticity is required from each and every one of us. Those who don’t stand in this alignment cannot contribute and are unknowingly participating in the big delusional lies that are being played out to block the disclosure of Light and the collective ascension. The lower Gemini may act as an untrustworthy, clever, devious expert at mental manipulation, conveniently shifting places. The twins are mutable, and may easily change personalities. When in their lower vibration, they tend to project their darkness outward, and blame other people. The higher vibration for Gemini is a beacon of intelligence and the ability to use the mind for learning, understanding, and expressing, for reasoning, problem-s...