a frosted clarity

'Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.' —  Einstein

'Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.' —  Buddha
Just days before the winter solstice, a full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun allows for a frosted clarity in our perception of reality...
This December Full Moon is an invitation to realize how we create the world we live in with all our thoughts, wishes and fears.
As energy never gets lost but changes in form, we therefore have the power to shape and transform our inner/outer environment.. so that a different world eventually 'materialize'.

snow-covered pyramids december 2013.

symbol Gemini 26°:

Frost-covered trees against winter skies.

Key: The revelation of archetypal form and essential rhythm of existence.
At this level of "exteriorization" a contact with archetypes and pure forms of individual selfhood is to be sought - also with the characteristic images of the culture. Externals are left behind. This is a step beyond "pruning"; it is rather a process of removal of all superficialities of existence. Cyclically, nature helps us to reach this state of bare reality. It is not that we experience the Buddhist's void (sunya), but rather that we reach the essence of our individual being, the form of pure selfhood which is the structuring power underneath all external features - all that belong to the "leaf" realm.
In a sense we can speak of this stage of the process, as a stage of ascetic repudiation, but it is also one of essentialization.

Winter frost in the woods.
This is a symbol of the cosmic significance in any momentary cancellation of the more immediate interests and private concerns, and the emphasis is on the supremacy of the needs and powers of nature over the aspirations and conveniences of man. Implicit in the static symbolism is the call for a reorientation in the individual's point of view, and for some further discovery of the self's potentials. Normal life is brought to a point of sharp suspension so that the larger magic may be manifest.
The keyword is SPLENDOR.
When positive, the degree is the creative transformation by which older cycles give way to newer ones, and when negative, a reduction of the useless to a total annihilation.

The winter frost has stolen through the woods, and given to the trees and underbrush a witching cosmic lacery.
This is a symbol of the added content of meaning that genuine human consciousness can give to inanimate things, thereby raising things to the point of human usefulness.
Positively it is a degree of appreciation of natural process; negatively, inner surety. The keyword is dignity.

Full Moon 17 December 2013, 9:28:05 UT, 7e15 43n42

Change is blowing on the mental plane

The Moon in Gemini opposes the Sun at 25°36 Sagittarius (close to galactic center) conjunct Mercury at 19° (Sun.Mercury will be exact on 29 December at 7°42 Capricorn) and later today 17 December, Uranus which has been stationary at 8°35 Aries turns direct.
to be noted in this chart, in prefiguration of the solstice on 21 December :

- is the quincunx between Mercury and Jupiter, the rulers of this Full Moon
- while Mercury is in a semi-sextile to Saturn, Jupiter trines it - and by the end of the day Jupiter will be the only retrograde planet! 
- on the other hand Mars in Libra, which will dominate the solstice chart, is still in a quincunx to Neptune and is fast approaching its opposition to Uranus (exact on 25 December) and its square to Pluto (31 December) - promising quite a winter season.
- last but not least two quintiles add their inspiring and creative gate opening between Mercury & Neptune and between Venus & Uranus - a helpful preparation for Venus turning retrograde and Mercury conjunct Pluto (21 and 31 December respectively)...

In short with such a configuration, the mental plane is rather activated with an accent on the intellect, our use of reason, communication and ideas - paving the way for the dramatic shifts that may occur in our personal and social spheres.
The direction these changes take depends on our individual ability to reach out for the universal.
We are to become increasingly aware of how our perceptions are limited and conditioned by attitudes, habits and unnecessary fears.

Too much activity on the mental plane usually exteriorizes in nervousness, dispersion, lack of consistency and inability to persist on a given course. Sticking to one task, focusing on one thing at a time and following a schedule can be of much help.
As our thoughts determine our reality we always have the choice to master them in order to focus on a noble goal. Fear on the other hand operates like a magnet so we end up attracting what we fear.
We are responsible for our choices and decisions and it is ultimately up to us to identify and overcome our fears, in order to readjust, rectify, reorient and make changes in our ways for the better.
Like a receptive inner magnet, Venus operates as the power that attracts or repulses; in Capricorn she doesn't feel at ease, she may even bring out hidden insecurities making us feel misunderstood and isolated. During her coming retrograde motion, the areas of life that Venus rules will all require particular attention.
What makes us love or reject people? Do we have ulterior motives? Are we really sincere in our feelings and affections? Do we stand for what we really value or do we want to impress? Are we envious or jealous? Do we withhold our affection for fear of rejection? ...

These questions that come up during the retrogradation of Venus will bear more importance during the coming cycle, as Mars is in Venus-ruled Libra - to stay for about eight months - and Mars' actions depend on Venus' assessment.
Libra is the sign of fall for Mars - it may show its lower expression through impatience, quarrelsomeness and impulsivity or its higher traits of patience, tact and diplomacy!
Because Mars will also go retrograde during its long stay in Libra, it will align with Uranus and Pluto three times. 
Its first alignment (25 & 31 December) is during Christmas and new year's eve when we will be challenged to control any aggressivity and feelings of anger, listen to our true self, make quick audacious decisions followed by courageous fair actions.

During this coming season, our task is to open our hearts and lift our spirit despite any tempest - keeping in sight our faith that we are ever growing in consciousness and in capacity for Love.
Have a blessed and merry season!

© etherealcounterparts 

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