
Showing posts from August, 2011

winds back

Thank you for your patience and the kind messages I received. I am doing quite fine! Here are a few thoughts about my time off from the blog : I need perspective and my winds back. During decades, I have spent hours calculating and drawing astrology charts by hand .. this step-by-step approach represented a connecting ritual: my doorway to energies at hand. I really operated like a methodic scanner or laser-beam. It was an intense experience. A successful reading for me consisted in covering all the mathematical aspects of a chart until hidden information would find its way through and allow for an all-embracing synthetic connection. When I used to make these calculations by hand, "mistakes" ( such as an erroneous hour of birth for instance) would become revealers for some crucial but less obvious aspects of the reading. Later on, I started using computer-generated charts because it saved time. So in the process I'd forsaken the type of experience I've men