winds back

Thank you for your patience and the kind messages I received. I am doing quite fine!

Here are a few thoughts about my time off from the blog : I need perspective and my winds back.

During decades, I have spent hours calculating and drawing astrology charts by hand .. this step-by-step approach represented a connecting ritual: my doorway to energies at hand.
I really operated like a methodic scanner or laser-beam. It was an intense experience.
A successful reading for me consisted in covering all the mathematical aspects of a chart until hidden information would find its way through and allow for an all-embracing synthetic connection.
When I used to make these calculations by hand, "mistakes" (such as an erroneous hour of birth for instance) would become revealers for some crucial but less obvious aspects of the reading.

Later on, I started using computer-generated charts because it saved time. So in the process I'd forsaken the type of experience I've mentioned above and took the risk that my readings lose in depth.
With years passing, I have been challenged to devise new methods.
But any given system inevitably comes with a certain amount of dogma, so if you identify yourself with your "tool" or the system you are using, you are bound to "see" less and "project" more ..

Seasonal ingress celebrations are part of my natal Iranian culture and despite the fact that when I was young, there were no astrology practitioners to speak of in Iran - drawing charts for every lunation and ingress point came naturally to me... whereas lunations, equinox or solstice charts were totally ignored by my fellow western astrologers back then!

In the early 90s I presented my approach through monthly presentations to a number of my peers. I kept doing it for a couple of years until I took a much-needed distance .. from talking and writing.

The same kind of break I needed to take this summer .. I am trying to avoid side-traps attached to a certain type of astrology practice. 

I am happy to see that lunations and ingress charts have become common practice .. I may turn my attention in a new direction !

I am very much of an aquarian ..  
I will start posting here soon .. after I find my "voice" again.

In the meantime,

Blessings to all !

© etherealcounterparts

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