
Showing posts from September, 2019

day equals night

Fall Equinox  23.9.19 - 7:50:11 gmt  an invitation to join this ancestral celebration  moving into the second half of the solar year the Sun enters Libra  commune with Nature and align with the cosmic pulse of all Life  when day equals night and there’s a balance between light and dark  just days before the Libra New Moon and before the great alignment that’s to take place during the next winter season this equinox chart indicates a season of thorough transformation  tinted by a powerful karmic release as Saturn in Capricorn  is passing once more over the South Node   rather activated now, it forms a T-Square with the Moon in Cancer and Mercury in Libra (without forgetting the libran string to follow Venus, Sun and Mars) meanwhile  • the Sun is also entering its opposition to Chiron  in Aries  • 7 out of 12 bodies are in a cardinal sign  • moreover Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are all in their home signs  we are called :  to once more purge