in that we trust
This Sagittarius New Moon on 25 November 2011 coincides with a partial Solar Eclipse.
With nearly 90% obscuration of the Sun, the eclipse will be visible across Antartica and New Zealand.
Solar Eclipse 25 November 2011, 6:09:40gmt, 7e15, 43n42
Symbol : Two men playing chess
According to Rudhyar, the transmutation of man's natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence is essential to socio-cultural living.
Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess, the struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations — and less impulsive and intent upon side issues.
This symbol deals with conflict, but at a group culture level.
Keynote: The transcendent ritualization of conflict.
The chart above shows Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and the North Node all in Sagittarius sharing the spotlight with Jupiter the ruler of the sign...
the eclipse point is square Mars, square Neptune.Chiron, trine Uranus, quincux with Jupiter which in turn is in mutual reception (and entering a trine) with Venus here, since Jupiter is in Taurus and Venus in Sagittarius.
Despite a Grand Trine in the earth element still operating between Pluto, Jupiter and Mars - the chart indicates some tricky aspects which are to particularly affect Europe (Belgium and specially France for which this chart is drawn).
The eclipse degree 2°37 Sagittarius is aligned with the North Node in the European Union chart (1 November 1993) when the Maastricht Treaty came into effect.
Furthermore, foreboding difficult days for Europe's ongoing negotiations over finances
- Mercury in Sagittarius, its detriment sign, has now gone retrograde - blurring the details and specifics from one's vision
- the Virgo Mars which is in a square aspect to the eclipse point and conjunct the MC in the above chart, is also aligned with Chiron on the second house cusp in the European Union's chart
- the Scorpio Ascendant above is aligned with the European Union's Moon-Mars.Pluto opposition.
- Saturn in Libra is positionned on the European Venus-Jupiter mid-point
All this said, we may also notice on either side of the lunar Node - Great Attractor point in Sagittarius, the chart's two outlets: the Sun Moon conjunction and the stretch going through Venus as final depositor. And Venus breaking free (sq Uranus) from environmental gloom, promises her help as she trines Jupiter and sextiles nicely Neptune.Chiron.
Venus in Sagittarius holds the key for this lunation and eclipse...
Theories don't interest me so much as 'observation'.
Everything is in a state of constant change, within and around us. Everything is altering at every moment.
Sometimes we get hooked on something and by growing a repetitive habit - we may lose sight of its effect on our general well-being.
This kind of blindspot may become the cause for some stagnation or inbalance, which with time may cause 'pain'.
Pain is always a reminder that a re-ajustment is necessary, and that the pattern we hold onto is not life-supporting, in fact it is not 'vital'.
Freeing our mind and emotions from patterns thru inner detachment allows for inner alignment and renewed awareness. It then becomes so easy to get rid of the unnecessary pattern in a playful spontaneous act... connecting again with our adventurous self, that part of ourselves which is enthusiastic and wants to grow, to expand, to experiment new horizons, to envision magic carpets and make them become a reality - knowing that every tomorrow is different
and in that we trust