equanimity and fair culture

some reminders ..

stages of considerations for the astrological year :

for each of the four seasons we need to consider their ingress point chart, when the energies for the season to come are "inscribed", and their subsequent new moon chart, when the same energies are "subscribed".

of foremost relevance within this sequence is the Aries chart because the unfolding of energies for the entire astrological year is inscribed in the spring equinox / Aries ingress point chart.
the fall equinox its polar counterpart, usually offers a mirror "image" to further our understanding of the current planetary cycles and patterns in the year's development.

Vernal Equinox: 20 March 2011, 23:20:44 GMT, chart for 7e15 43n42
Norouz 1390 تحویل سال  - Tehran, 21 March 2011, 2:50:44 hr

 Aries New Moon, 3 April 2011, 14:32:19 GMT, chart for 4e42 50n53 

symbol 14° Aries: a serpent coiling near a man and a woman.

Automnal Equinox, 23 September 2011, 9:04:38 GMT, chart for 7e15 43n42

Libra New Moon, 27 September 2011, 11:08:41 GMT, chart for 7e15 43n42 

symbol 5° Libra : a man revealing to his students the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a "new world" could be built.

in the case of the 2011-12 astrological year, we observe a recurrent T-Square pattern in the four charts above, with variations in the Aries-Libra polarity ..

the T-Square consists of three planets in the same modes (seasonal qualities) that include two squares and one opposition. it is similar to a Grand Cross, but because of a missing 4th planet, it functions differently from the Grand Cross. 
less stable than the Grand-Cross, it also gives the feeling that something is lacking; all of the pressure is placed on the planet that receives the two squares, the Apex planet. on the other hand, the T-Square has a built-in focus planet, which the Grand Cross lacks.
the focal planet or Apex is dynamic and is a major motivating factor.

the Apex planet's sign indicates what we need to integrate. in Capricorn it stands for status identity through accomplishments.

as all the seasons start with the Cardinal mode, similarly to the Cardinal Grand Cross, the Cardinal T-Square focuses on questions of identity.

impulsiveness and a need to act immediately is a prominent feature of planets in the Cardinal mode.

"the Cardinal T-Square tends to be the most active of the T-Squares, although not the most productive. coercing the three placements to work together can be the challenge. the nature is for each energy to do its own thing, causing conflicts and disjointed activities to become the main focus.
remember, being aware of the "empty space" opposing the Apex planet can give guidance for a T-Square.
when all the planets are focused on the same task, moving forward becomes much easier.
the difficult task will be learning how to get these three disparate energies to unite." (from lunar living astrology)

the Apex planet of a T-Square :

it is the focal point and is the planet that provides motivation, drive and is also the most critical placement of the T-square; the Squares applied to the Apex planet place the latter under considerable pressure to act and react, in particular when the T-square is triggered by transit.

the biggest challenge here is to channel the energies adequately.

to properly assess the needs of a T-Square, take note of the element that the Apex planet's sign is in. this element guides our understanding as to the nature of actions the T-Square will likely produce. in the Earth element, the planet at the Apex point will stand for practicality, tangible worth and value.

assessing the houses occupied by the planets also determines the areas of life where the pressures are most likely to be felt.
the key to getting a T-Square to become productive is by defining these areas in the chart, then seek the most supportive features determined by the house placements in order to comprehend possible releases for the pressure imposed on the Apex point.
if all oppositions are about 'integration' of principles, opposition inducing 'attraction' and the urge to merge... squares are about crisis in consciousness, reaction and decision-making process.

unless we incorporate the opposing energy (opposite degree) to the Apex, we tend to either squatter or block energy with T-Squares.
it is therefore recommended to be pro-active: the release of pressure on a T-Square often happens when the opposite point to the Apex is consciously acknowledged or when it is triggered by transiting planets.

in Cancer, the release point opposite to the Apex indicates that by going back to our base roots we may establish inner security and find emotional comfort.

Pluto in Capricorn the Apex planet of the T-Square :

Pluto in Capricorn at the Apex of this T-Square, correlates with a period of extreme changes in the material world.

in general Pluto activity resembles an inner house cleaning. 
it presses us to eliminate and release the old and obsolete, urging us to let go of outdated security drives and emotions or outworn rigid attitudes and behavior patterns.
the intense power of Pluto activity lies in its regenerative capacity: by urging us to go on a Soul quest and putting us in touch with the deepest core of our being, it detoxifies our inner and outer channels.

a Pluto process feels long and evolving.
by detoxifying certain aspects of our lives, Pluto first brings to light what is no longer working and is decayed. then it proceeds to a transformation that may bring a dis-appearance, sometimes a physical death... to allow for a regeneration and a rebirth.
Pluto activity usually correlates with intense psychological reforms and is associated with pain induced by our inner rigidity and resistance to change.

Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 (to stay until 2024).
in Capricorn, Pluto unearths hidden secrets related to material power and its selfish use by authority figures; to name a few, it brings to our attention the distortions of our fearful minds, the flaws of corporate activity/economy, the corruption of our institutions and governance systems, the greed poisoning the banking and financial systems, the rigidity of our social structures, the ruthlessness of our compulsive relation to the environment and the planet... in short the darkness of any destructive use of power!

Uranus Pluto' cycle :

to place this recurrent T-Square in a larger context, we need to consider the current Uranus Pluto cycle, which began with a conjunction (Virgo) in 1965-66 ... the Uranus-Pluto cycle lasts 110 to 120 years, and Uranus (the faster planet) has now moved 90° ahead to enter it's first-quarter square phase with Pluto.

each new Uranus-Pluto cycle correlates with a time of intense social and ideological change.
the first quarter phase, the square aspect, represents the first crisis in the cycle and comes with much impetuous activity. it is a critical point when what was started and the seeds planted about thirty years ago, is now going through a break and a moving away from the 'union' of energies to seek individuality and express independence.
the first quarter phase represents the time to clear away obstacles resulting in the actions taken thus far.

the cycle has been best described by Dane Rudhyar, the first one to introduce planetary cycles in western astrology.

"Uranus and Pluto were also in conjunction in 1850-51. The Industrial Revolution was then beginning to change the conditions of existence of entire classes of people. Even the colonial fever which led European nations to invade Africa and Asia brought white and colored races together. But this "bringing together" (i. e. conjunction) occurred in a spirit of conquest and greed, and under conditions of often extreme brutality which of course was bound to result eventually in violent revolt. 
In 1850-51 Saturn was in conjunction with Uranus and Pluto; but in 1965-66 Saturn was in opposition to the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. 
In 1850 the privileged classes, represented by Saturn, were able to use for their own aggrandizement the new powers generated by the Industrial Revolution. The conjunction occurred at the very end of the pioneering sign, Aries with Saturn bringing the energy generated by this Uranus-Pluto conjunction to the very first degree of Taurus, sign of productivity. The aristocrats and wealthy merchants of last century sought and achieved a vast increase in human productivity which in turn led to a proliferation of human beings. This time, Saturn in Pisces having opposed the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, humanity can no longer tolerate the possession of the resources and of the processes related to this conjunction by only a small minority not even by the white race, enjoying enormous abundance while the colored races in Asia, Africa and South America remain under-developed (in our sense of the word "development") and mostly under-nourished. 

      The Uranus-Pluto (1965-66) conjunction in the critical sign, Virgo which seems to refer so well to our college-bred intelligenzia, whether young or old is now confronting the Saturnian classes which hold still dominant power and constitute the now so sharply and vehemently criticized "Establishment." And this confrontation is taking a very drastic aspect, a thoroughly world-wide revolutionary aspect. 
A conjunction of Uranus and Pluto is essentially a mind-transforming "influence." It refers to a situation which demands a very basic and thorough change of mind. Until 1930 Pluto of course was not publicly known to mankind. Its power was more related to the collective unconscious than to any conscious will to change. But now consciousness is focusing deeply compulsive drives through ideologies, opinions, slogans which can move the multitudes and modern media of communications involve the whole of humanity in such apparently insignificant events as a protest of college students in Berkeley or Columbia University. 

      Uranus and Pluto symbolize in a rather fascinating manner the atomic bombs or reactors using uranium or plutonium. They represent even more broadly our whole technologically-controlled society, our computerized business and (soon) education, our TV determined political Elections. In every field of human activity and individual responses, these technological procedures, and the mentality which both gave them birth and has been spreading everywhere as the result of this technology, have produced a radical transformation of human values and ways of life. 

      In Greek mythology Ouranos was the primordial power that rules over the vast expanses of space. Pluto, at a later phase of development, became the symbolic ruler of the depths of existence. In astrology today Uranus is the great power of transformation which has its beginning in a descent of creative energy from spiritual heights of being; while Pluto is the power of the Underground and, the generic Unconscious, the subterranean energy which brings all superficial constructs and all man-made institutions to the atomized condition of dust or humus, yet which performs this catabolic task as a prelude to a new kind of integration and potential rebirth.
      A conjunction of Uranus and Pluto is therefore a kind of union of height and depth. Uranian creativity allied with Plutonian revolutionary disintegrative force becomes a ruthless and relentless force. Today it symbolizes the growing power of those elements in our society which have judged our technological and White-dominated society worthless, and condemned it to chaos a chaos believed to be a necessary condition for the emergence of a truly new mentality and society. This is what many of the rebellious youth in Paris, in May 1968, proclaimed; and indeed what so many people in our nation more or less vocally (and most often quite confusedly) claim whether they be student activists or Negroes intent on exercising by all possible means "Black Power." And the confrontation with the Saturnian Establishment and its police-force or army goes on, and may well grow far stronger and widespread, even if controlled for a while by the frightened mood of a still overwhelmingly large majority seeking to retain at any price their security, their gains and their suburban comfort; which means inevitably a kind of more or less overt military dictatorship or "Fascism."
   We are living indeed in a "schizophrenic" century a "Civil War of Man"; and the opposition of Saturn to the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto has simply been bringing to the fore more vividly than ever the confrontation between two types of mentality, between the haves and the have-nots, between generations. Perhaps as Uranus and Pluto form again an opposition during the twenty-first century, the issue will be even more definitely settled, and what remains of the old world will give way before the rise of a New Age, the Aquarian Age."

from Transition to a New Age by Dane Rudhyar 

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