Diwãli - the Scorpio New Moon, our treasure map

Diwali - from britannica

Many legends are associated with Diwali. Today it is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs across the globe as the "Festival of Lights" where the lights or lamps signify victory of good over the evil within every human being. Diwali is celebrated on the first day of the lunar Kartika month, which comes in the month of October or November.
The festival is also celebrated by Buddhists of Nepal.
(from wiki)

New Moon October 28 2008, 23:15 UT, Nice - Fr

6° Scorpio : A Gold Rush Tears Men Away From Their Native Soil.
keyword : AMBITION
the image is that of men being torn away from home to go after a gold rush to improve their economic status as well as gamble... The desire for scorpio-nic passionate intensity presses forward in a search for new values and achievements with little regard for the cost.
It encourages us to thread on uncharted paths and seek other forms of wealth.

Scorpio is known for it's intensity, in fact it is considered the most intense sign of the zodiac. The ability to see in the dark and face the psychic realm and its dangers, makes Scorpio feared and admired. Scorpio emotions are "materia prima" for generating new life. What's dead or useless must be bravely thrown away so that Life can renew itself. Scorpio gives courage for making tough decisions, such as getting rid of old skins and "outer corpses".
With this New Moon in Scorpio, we may turn to our inner worlds - despite all the fuss going on in the public sphere. To some of us this New Moon will come as a blessing, since it follows the fall equinoxe - for which in a previous reading, i had described the necessity for personnal balance and fair relationships.
Thru this portal, we may undergo a complete and total transformation.

"I awoke one night with this thought, I can’t live with myself any longer. And that phrase went around in my head a few times. And suddenly I was able to stand back and look at that phrase… I thought, that is strange. Who am I, and who is the self that I cannot live with anymore? Oh there must be two of me here! I didn’t get an answer to this question, but just the questioning itself stopped the stream of negative, depressive thinking…. I awoke that morning and everything seemed much more alive than it use to be. Everything was precious and alive, almost as though I was looking at it for the first time. Everything was very beautiful. I suddenly felt at peace, though I had no explanation for it.”
Eckhart Tolle

This is the most serious New Moon of the year. This is the night of truth and dare:
Scorpio wants Truth.
The Fall light wanes and Nature enters hibernation. Naturally we also journey into our inner selves where we find the subconscious archetypes playing out roles for the world's outer stage! This chart is like an astonishing unfolding drama : as we play our inner instrument while the more conscious we are of how the outer symphony goes, the better the music will be.

To maintain our balance during uncertain times is a very difficult task yet it is our mission as individuals because each one of us is in essence making the difference in the collective Balance... our personal lives have great meaning and Time is on our side.
The Scorpio quest, high-lighted in this New Moon, will be our guide as we seek personal direction in the midst of Crisis (from greek : Krisis = turning-point of a disease).

This New Moon is an invitation to inhabit the darkest places in the Self, to fully dwell in it in order to gain an intimate knowledge of what has a firm hold on the spirit, keeping it from growing. Doing so also transforms our personal relationships as well as the common ground for society.
It is an invitation to get to the heart of any given matter or situation. As we draw closer to the raw darkness we may feel in danger, but by confronting those depths we will find a sense of infinite possibility and renewed power.
Once we finally reach deep enough to touch the seed within, we feel relief while a foundation for the "new" gets released from power struggles, addictions or destructive patterns.
We get to the REAL thing.

... and the Dinosaurs are crashing as Time accelerates

During this last month when material reality underwent a series of dramatic quakes, did you become intensely fearful or were you one of the growing numbers who felt incredibly calm because you intuitively KNOW that these structures around us are collapsing to make space for a different world with new systems?

There's a turning point feeling to this astrological moment, whereby what is expelled from the depths of a corrupted system can be brought to the light of day.

The current global shift and its preliminary financial/power collapse has thrown the world into irrational fears and something short of a general panic - most unfortunately fanned and amplified by the media (which makes its usual business of turning any event into a weapon of psychological manipulation)... and regardless of any ingenious bailouts or political alliances, the great 2010 alignment (see previous notes "the eternal return" 1,2,3) is in its early stages and we should not forget that it aims to WORLD PEACE.

The struggling governments' interventions into a crazed market and the solutions they've tried to implement prior to October 30 (when mercury will go past its retrograde point) such as their sneaky rescue/infamous "Bailout", will not repair the damage and so much less save the 'workers economy'.

Considering the US election, this Scorpio New Moon which will deeply imprint the psychic field of America during this historic moment, deserves further reading.

The forces carried by the candidates will influence reality regardless of who wins. Curiously the Saturn-Uranus opposition in 19° Virgo-Pisces w/ its first exact aspect this coming Nov 4th, is activating the US Neptune in Virgo square its Mars in Gemini which always inspires disastrous and draining foreign wars and reflects the US blinding fantasies about its grandeur. The Saturn-Uranus opposition is also embodied in the candidates' playing out a contest in archetypes between the old warrior with his physical rigidity from war injuries, cancer, and age (Saturn) and the young healthy candidate using "change" as his slogan (Uranus).

Time is coming for a communal level of sovereignty

This lunation represents the setup for finding ways to navigate thru the storm: Saturn in Virgo requires order out of chaos at all costs, while Uranus in Pisces requires a total transformation of spiritual and cultural values. In other words the Saturn Uranus opposition provokes a material crisis to ultimately open space for spirit.
Insidious is the war on consciousness as we are often treed in a culture that drains our vitality, and keeps our attention on the most trivial stuff.

for Astrologers

The Sun/Moon conjonction is unaspected by the other planets, but Mars in Scorpio by aspecting just about everything and in particular by squaring Neptune in Aquarius, is incredibly powerful eventhough it is more inclined to work behind the scenes. In fact, all the planets in earth and water signs form a pattern called the basket or cradle, with the base being formed by the waxing opposition of Saturn and Uranus. It is as if the energy being generated by the opposition is being moved outwards through Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio. This energy in general is more subtle in expression than the same formation in fire and air. Mars is at home in Scorpio but Jupiter is restrained in Capricorn and will not make bold statements. The overall result is "biding one’s time".

Another holding pattern: Mercury direct now in Libra trines Neptune in Aquarius and encourages to look at the big picture with detachment and compassion. Neptune currently at a standstill until it goes direct on November 2, allows for a turning inward and contemplation.

The tightening T-square between Venus at the apex and Saturn-Uranus at the base increases the tension in the atmosphere : it will be exact on November 3, the day before the presidential election in the USA. Past November 4, this energy will slowly dissipate.

Time to share and cheer each other !

Overall, this New Moon lends itself to contemplation rather than action and actively encourages us to take stock of resources both internal and external in preparation for the release waiting at the Full Moon in Taurus on November 13.

Ritual helps focus the entire being on the quest at hand.
Before the New Moon It's a good idea to spend some time reflecting; you might want to gather sentences and visuals that symbolize your goal and help you focus on it. Knowing what you want is not always easy. Part of the preparation is to be clear about your intentions.
Which detrimental aspects of your life are you ready to let go of?
This is a perfect time to put your energy and will behind your intention in order to transform any inner distortions that bring suffering to yourself or others.
It is the perfect night to open your eyes to your own insecurities and self-delusions... and through a clear comprehension transform your damaging states of mind into a positive intention for internal and external change.

You are now ready to lit rows of candles and lamps... welcoming a new wealth into your life to be freely shared with everyone else.

may you have a shining Diwali !

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