the 'great revolution'

Following the very recent Jupiter.Neptune conjunction and all my recent write ups, I can't help but comment on the green movement and the post-election events taking place in Iran to describe them as a seed for the "great revolution".

By showing the way to our rising peacefully before any challenges that face us, the implications of such a movement and its effects on the global community are very positive for the future of our planet and are carriers of great Hope.

In my humble opinion we are observing the seeds of some major historical changes:

- the will: this new sense of 'Yes We Can' amongst people which started with the recent elections in U.S., is taking a new momentum with the iranian green movement and their 'We are all One'... much stronger than any past conflicts and divisive political postures amongst them, a green wave has travelled the planet in a new sense of unity/mutual support/cooperation between the diaspora and iranians at 'home'... not to mention other people all over the planet identifying if not helping the iranians' struggle for Freedom.

- the spirit: the overcoming of notions of gender, class, generation, religious and political minorities ... in essence the physical manifestation of our common humanity

- the tool: along with the internet revolution (so-called twitter revolution) by the street journalists, information and media can no longer be controlled by governments and the elites

When looking at the chart of the Islamic Republic, astrologers tend to swing between two options: the chart for Khomeini's landing on February 1, 1979 and that of the proclamation of the Islamic Republic and its constitution in April 1979.

Iran "Khomeini landing"
Tehran, Feb. 1 1979, at 9h30 LT

Iran : the Islamic Constitution
Tehran, Apr. 1 1979, at 14h30 LT

One thing remains the same in both charts and that is the placement of Saturn in Virgo close to the North Node. I underline its relevance, as it was doubly significant during the recent Saturn return activating the 'natal' Nodal axis as well.
In fact, there is a definite fated quality to Iranian politics and the coming to power of a religious state.

Taking the Khomeini chart, major transits are significantly activating its mid-heaven with a direct transit from Pluto in Capricorn and the approaching alignment from the grand cross one year from now.

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