.. and here will come the Sun

the earth and humanity are undergoing a cleansing process and despite appearances, the current release of negative energies is necessary and occurs for the ultimate good of all ..

meditation and visualization are helpful tools in channeling our desire to contribute something positive.
our love, our intentions and our energy may help the rest of the planet.

for practice it is usually best to follow our own intuition,
but should you need help to get started
please find below a few simple suggestions :

meditation - relaxation
(suggested time : nightfall)

sit in comfortable position and close your eyes,
make sure your legs and arms are not crossed
take three deep slow breaths while relaxing your body
then return to your natural breathing and focus on it, observing the air going in and out and its rhythm
without trying to control
eventually there will be a balance between the inhaling and exhaling
if your mind starts wandering, observe the thoughts/images without following/holding on to them
as if they slide and fade
but gently turn your attention back on breathing

keep it up for minimum 15-20min (or more as needed - can last an hour)

candle vigil - meditation
(suggested time : nightfall)

light a candle and sit in comfortable position
make sure your legs and arms are not crossed 
keep your eyes open and focus on the candle light,
take three deep slow breaths and relax your body
progressively balancing the rhythm of your breathing
until you feel very peaceful, keeping your focus on the candle light
if your mind starts wandering, gently return all your attention on the candle light

keep it up for minimum 20-30min (or more as needed - can last an hour)

the purpose behind both exercises above is to quiet the mind ..
regular practice eventually results in progressive alignment and stabilizing of your inner self
to become ever more alert and awake

prayer and affirmation
(suggested time : morning)

sit in comfortable position
make sure your legs and arms are not crossed 
you can close your eyes or keep them open
take three deep slow breaths and relax your body
then allow your natural breathing to progressively balance its rhythm
when you feel ready,
chant an affirmative/repetitive prayer as if it were a mantra, such as:
(may) love and peace prevail on earth
(may) all its children (be) are protected
(may) its waters land and air purify and regenerate ...

you may want to add positive affirmations/prayers for particular events or geographical areas

at the end you may feel like expressing your gratefulness

the most important is to feel like what you say is true at the present moment
and to feel the words as full of meaning
you may need to visualize your affirmations and prayers as you perform the ritual

repetition and regularity are important : they bring manifestation of your initial desire

a simple light visualization for healing the earth

sit in comfortable position and close your eyes
make sure your legs and arms are not crossed 
take three deep slow breaths and relax your body
progressively balancing the rhythm of your breathing.
when you feel ready,
visualize a stream of pure white light from above (the source of creation)
flowing down through the top of your head to fill your entire being..
breathe in this healing and energizing flow of pure light
into every cell of your being,
from the crown of your head all the way down to your soles.
you may want to proceed step by step from top to bottom.

once you've visualized your entire being purified, radiant and filled with the light,
with every inhaling keep taking in light from above
and with every exhaling keep sending it out
from your soles deep down to earth
and from your heart to progressively en-globe
the whole earth, its waters, lands and atmosphere,
all living beings and humanity ..

you may want to direct the light towards specific events or geographical areas

resume your visualization, by seeing the planet and all its inhabitants
in a state of peace, love and light ..
and express your gratefulness

the purpose here is to allow the Light to circulate
from above through your entire being
and out to the earth and other beings

blessings to all

© etherealcounterparts

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