the knot

The knot as an interconnection of spiritual energies with life forces.

Full Moon chart for 12 October 2011, at 2:05:43 GMT, 7e15 43n42

symbol 19° aries  : The "Magic Carpet" Of Oriental Imagery

according to Rudhyar this symbol refers to the "use of creative imagination'
"A way of life refusing a hectic involvement in social competition and waste-producing overproduction allows for the development of unattached and transcendent understanding. The static floor (carpet) on which man's feet (symbols of understanding) rest can become transformed into the means for great flights of imagination and super-physical perception. The period of rest from outwardly directed activity bound to collective normality presents the creative mind with the possibility of surveying in dreams the totality of the present-day social situation, thus "to see whole."

We can also consider a carpet as a grid made of knots and perceive its magical visual evocation.

With Libra we need cooperation, harmony and objectivity.
Libra urges us to identify our true relational needs, to restore balance and mutual benefit in our commitments and partnerships .. and to pay special attention to our negotiations, contracts and agreements.
Libra works as a mirror for the 'self' and as such represents a self-discovery.
With this full Moon polarity in Aries-Libra, we need to preserve our sense of self and individuality while tending to the needs of meaningful people in our lives.

In the Full Moon chart above we observ a kite formation with Sun Saturn in the spotlight as a key and outlet, part of a stellium in Libra, that has a tight 'knotted' rectangle in its center.
The Grand Trine in Fire is composed of Mars, Moon.Lilith and the Sagittarius North-Node. 

The Sun has joined Saturn in Libra so that we take full responsibility for what we created.
In the process we may go through status change.. along with the change of weather.

The influence of the kite is interaction oriented and operates as follows:
- the Moon.Lilith conjunction in Aries sets the stage and a framework
- the Sun.Saturn in Libra is a focal point for the objective and direction
- the self-confident Mars and high-idealed North Node, in respective sextiles and trines, represent the strings that give momemtum.

Venus in Scorpio rules Sun, Saturn, Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Taurus.
She is in a trine with Chiron in Piscis and a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn, itself forming a trine to Jupiter.
In this station, Venus is empowered (Pluto) and finds a deep focus (Scorpio) for its healing emotional qualities (Chiron in Piscis).

Mercury about to leave the Libra stellium is in a colorful imaginary trine with Neptune in Aquarius and may well find messages in dreams.

Mars at a 'gate' degree in Leo, rules over Uranus, Moon and Lilith in Aries ... and is in trine with the latter two.
This fire trine provides flowing inspiration, courage and harmonious action despite a possible over-impetuous expression that will eventually be checked from the "outside" and be 'obliged' on a social level to make needed adjustments.
The Mars Saturn sextile gives endurance when necessary.

What may be experienced in the Mundane level, because of some inhibiting insecurities and fears, as obstacles to overcome in evolving relationships..
may serve the purpose of channeling our talents and thereby free us to a higher level of awareness.

We can only try our best and move on.

© etherealcounterparts

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