in the long run


A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

Key: The capacity to utterly transform the character of one's consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships one enters upon.

Here what is emphasized is the process of metamorphosis itself. The symbol stresses the essential character of the activity required at this stage of the cycle; i.e. nothing short of a complete renewal of all the implications of being alive as a human individual will do. A radical change is needed. At this stage, this change is individual and mental, and it should be seen against the background of humanity as a whole. What is revealed is the potential ability of every human being to participate in a higher realm of evolution AFTER his or her emergence from a critical state of transition.

At this stage the Keyword is METAMORPHOSIS.
In spiritual terms, this implies "Initiation," i.e. entering a higher realm of conscious existence and there joining a sacred Company.

Butterfly emerging from chrysalis.
This is a symbol of humanity's insatiable appetite for experience on the side of an intellectual self-assurance, and of the nascent eagerness of the conscious self for a complete or effective grasp of all possible knowledge.
There is a continually self-renewing purity of man's mind at root, and he somehow feels that nature herself springs from her over-all potential as spontaneously as his own ideas come forth from the formless matrix of his inner being.
The keyword is EMANATION. When positive, the degree is an uncompromising faith in the promise of existence itself, and in the wonders of a continuing creation, and when negative, utterly sluggish response to reality.

The beautifully winged insect has just come forth into glorious adult being on completion of its metamorphosis.
This is a symbol of the immortality of the real self or the reality of life when life is seen as a new realm to which the spirit has graduated from some lesser realm.
Positively it is a degree of confident projection of self; negatively, lack of self-confidence.
The keyword is EMANATION.

 Full Moon 21 August 2013, 1:44:36 gmt, 7e15, 43n42

This full moon sees the Aquarius Moon conjunct Neptune (retrograde 4 ° Pisces) in opposition to the Leo Sun conjunct Mercury (24 ° Leo).
This is actually the second full moon on the Aquarius-Leo axis this summer: the previous one happened as the Sun was entering Leo while this one takes place as the Sun is preparing to leave the sign.

The Leo-Aquarius axis always brings to our attention
themes such as individual/collective, solo/team, me-centered-consciousness/global-solidarity...

Mercury is approaching its superior conjunction to the Sun (at 1°51 Virgo on 24 August) in opposition to Neptune and sextile to Saturn.
As we will see Mercury rise after the Sun, the new ideas and mental values ​​we have given form to and nurtured throughout the previous phase should allow us now to make some necessary changes in our personal development.
This Mercury phase indicates a favorable time for relating to others as well as sharing, spreading and exchanging ideas.

But this Full Moon in Leo is asking us to be watchful as we are likely to feel very suggestible and restless... some may even feel completely 'unstable' and incapable to exert their willpower.
Our perceptions may be totally distorted and our intuitions misleading ... we may be inclined to delude ourselves.
Excessive imagination and high-sensitivity as well as losing a grip on reality can mark this whole period.

Due to this indecisiveness, anxiety and restlessness, we are also bound to fail to communicate with clarity ... all in all it is not a good time for mental achievements that require lucidity and precision.

The ongoing summer Grand Trine is now overlapping on the closing in of the Cardinal Grand Cross (with four squares and two oppositions between Jupiter-Pluto and Venus-Uranus) that's been affecting everyone at different levels - potential conflicts, impulsivity, anger, discontent, social unrest - will be active until the end of August.

As previously mentioned Jupiter expands everything it affects and with Jupiter square Uranus and opposite Pluto

we may take excessive risks (in particular where money is concerned),
think that all will work to our advantage,
take too much for granted and feel a desire for freedom, over-optimism, impatience, 'get rich quick' schemes and a general lack of common sense... we may systematically look for the untried and new
we may want to break out at all costs of heavy responsibilities and situations that seem small or 'tight'...

we should beware that during these erratic times
undue expansion into the limitless can lead to disaster
and we better guard against jumping to conclusions because
we may rip 'unpredictable' and costly results..

Let's remember that if every 'extreme' calls for its opposite,
then every peak/apex/culminant point
is inevitably followed by a downward movement/a decline

Let's also remember what Jupiter, Lord of the higher mind is always asking us 
to strive for a bird eye view on situations
and seek for the grand design and higher meaning

Jupiter in Cancer, at a deep level,
is about having confidence in the life-source, in our Soul, in our roots, in our 'home' , in our mother planet and her ability to sustain us

in the long run

© etherealcounterparts 

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