ruperti - conferences

liens vers quelques conférences de Alexander Ruperti (1913-1998) - français

Alexander Ruperti est né le 23 mai 1913 à 21.11.16 TU à Stuttgart. De père russe et de mère autrichienne, ayant passé sa toute petite enfance en Sibérie, son enfance et sa jeunesse en Angleterre, puis sa vie adulte en Suisse, Alexander Ruperti se sentait plus «citoyen du monde» qu’appartenant à une nation particulière.

Son intérêt pour l’homme en tant qu’individu prit ses racines dans ces nationalités multiples et s’est développé à travers une recherche constante d’explications philosophiques, religieuses, ésotériques, psychologiques et médicales de l’homme. Ses voies principales étaient l’ostéopathie et l’astrologie à travers lesquelles il enseignait un «art de vivre», une philosophie qui réponde aux besoins de l’homme actuel dans la période de transition que traverse l’humanité aujourd’hui.

Dans cette voie, il a été, pendant plus de quarante ans, le porte-parole en Europe de son ami et maître Dane Rudhyar et, à partir d’une synthèse de la culture euro-américaine, il proposa de nouvelles solutions pour construire l’homme de l’Ere à venir avec l’outil de l’Astrologie Humaniste.

Alexander Ruperti a quitté son corps physique le 18 janvier 1998 chez lui à Juriens en Suisse.

que signifie le mot amour (1994)

la découverte de soi (1994)

la guérison spirituelle (1996)

pourquoi suis-je né (1992)

comment la crise actuelle peut-elle être positive (1996)

le concept de dieu (1992)

link to Alexander Ruperti conference (1913-1998) - english

German osteopath and a student of astrology since 1935, markedly influenced by Rudhyar. He is the noted author of "Galactic Dimensions of Astrology" and "The Cycles of Becoming." His books are primarily in French, plus many articles written with Marief Cavaignac.
The son of a Russian father and an Austrian mother, Ruperti became a British citizen. While in England, he attended Alice Bailey's Arcane School and first encountered astrology in his 20's, becoming a member of the Astrological Lodge where he studied with Charles E. O. Carter. He began practicing astrology in 1937. Ruperti finished his osteopathy and physical therapy training in 1939 and then moved to Switzerland. There he maintained a full-time practice in osteopathy, physical therapy, and healing, using the birth charts of many patients in order to understand the basic problem behind the physical complaint.
After reading Dane Rudhyar's "The Astrology of Personality," Rudhyar became the main influence in his own life and work and they maintained a lifelong correspondence. Impressed by Rudhyar's pioneering work, Ruperti began to teach a positive, holistic approach to astrology and continued such courses for many years thereafter. He was probably the first person to promote such a modern, psychological type of astrology in Europe.
In the early '70s he represented ISAR for Switzerland and began to lecture internationally. Ruperti toured the United States in 1975, and encouraged by the great interest in his ideas and the excellent response to his lectures, he retired from his practice in the healing arts in order to devote more time to astrological writing. Although his articles have appeared in a number of astrological journals, "Cycles of Becoming," 1978, was his first book published in America.
At 84, tall, lanky and dignified, if a bit deaf, he still traveled and taught. Ruperti died 1/23/1998, Switzerland.
My Work with Rudhyar's Approach to Astrology (1983) 

In this biographical talk, Alexander Ruperti shares remembrances of his long relationship to astrology. Beginning with his studies of traditional astrology as a young man in England, leading to his encounter with Alice Bailey who suggested that he read Rudhyar's newly published first book The Astrology of Personality in 1936. Ruperti says that book "opened me up to myself." He discusses his long career as an osteopath, using the birth charts of his patients to understand the psychological issues behind their physical problems, and to the profound influence of Rudhyar's work on himself personally, and on the world of astrology. This was the closing presentation on the afternoon of September 24, 1983. 

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