the shadow-zone

Upper part of caduceus (Hermes staff)
Bronze, early 5th century B.C.

as we have been walking through the shadow-zone of the coming final 2016 Mercury Retrograde
here are a couple of things regarding this cycle 
on 19 December 2016 @ 10:56 UT Mercury will turn retrograde at 15°08 Capricorn
and on 8 January 2017 @ 9:43 UT its movement will turn direct at 28°51 Sagittarius
Sun will conjunct Mercury on 28 December 2016

because of its alignment with Pluto this retrograde period will be particularly intense 
despite all the flat connotations surrounding this kind of cycle
such as the power struggles, the backstabbing, threats, slander, deceit, bitter arguments...
I'd like to focus on its constructive and helpful aspects 
i can only here describe a certain atmosphere and make general suggestions 
because at the end of the day it all depends on your own chart 
for one thing you might consider spending this holiday season in a self-reflective reverent mood
and beware during the coming weeks of what you think say or write
whenever Pluto plays an important part there is a connection with significant past incarnations
or just unexplained soul-printed-memories which seem to attract some form of fated experience
while it can translate into the usual slowdown and setbacks associated with Mercury retrograde
such as overwhelming chaotic feelings, frustrating communication, car or technology breakdowns
nerve racking lost items, travel delays or horrendous traffic jams
the retrograde cycle ultimately reveals what is not working properly
and which important issues to address and resolve it also is a very good time to deal with unfinished "business"
because it is not favorable for launching new projects or signing contracts
you might use this period to take your time and go deep into troubling issues
probe into & uncover hidden matters or simply go over your plans, projects and terms of negotiations
with a close look at details 
Mercury does rule details
so this Mercury retrograde period does offer opportunities for gaining another perspective
and come out transformed by a whole new understanding

blessings to all

© etherealcounterparts 

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