a polarity shift

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse
21.01.2019 @ 5:16:04 gmt, 7e23 - 43n42

This full moon is considered a super Moon because of its proximity to the Earth - which amplifies the impact of all energies at hand.
As it is also the last of an exceptionally long and eventful series of eclipses on the Leo-Aquarius axis,
this total lunar eclipse at 0°52 Leo does have a connection with the total lunar eclipse of July 2018; it will make us deal with unresolved issues from that period and will give a final push for the "old" to be released.. and mark at the same time a memorable shift of energies at a collective level - to be followed by a period of intense ethereal/magnetic activity during the whole of 2019 and in particular during the month of February.

to mention a few aspects:
while Saturn in Capricorn is getting ever closer to its conjunction to Pluto over the South Node of the Moon, the eclipse in Leo
- forms a conjunction with the North Node in Cancer
- an opposition with the Sun in Aquarius and Mercury in Capricorn
- a grand square with The Sun, Uranus and Pallas
- a kite/grand trine with Chiron and Ceres
- a fist of God with Venus/Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces

The Leo-Aquarius axis affects our relationships - the personal versus the impersonal. In any case with the grand cross pattern involving Uranus (ruler of Aquarius), we may foresee the letting go of the old while sudden and irreversible changes take place in order to connect us with a greater purpose.
A lunar eclipse generally tends to bring to the fore repressed energies and unconscious patterns which stem from our past - and those who have angles or personal planets in early degrees of Leo-Aquarius as well as in very last degrees of Cancer- Capricorn will be more directly affected by it but may also have an exceptional opportunity for self-realisation.
If we succeed to heal the pain that comes with shedding our old skins, emotional insecurities and feelings of inadequacies, we may then with courage and patience open our hearts to self love and start perceiving what seems to be sometimes a chaotic Universe - as a place actually full of solutions and potential for continuous enthusiastic personal growth and collective evolution.

Last but not least there is at the core of this chart's patterns a form of utter equilibrium and stability and I see in it the emergence of a new consciousness and universal law which will necessarily initiate a polarity shift!

blessings to all


Symbol for your consideration:

Blood rushes to a man's head as his vital energies are mobilised under the spur of ambition.
Key: An irruption of bio-psychic energies into the ego-controlled field of consciousness.

The occult tradition speaks of three kinds of “Fire”: Electric fire, Solar Fire and Fire by friction. The three Fire signs of the zodiac correspond to these. Aries refers to the ‘descent’ of the spiritual energy of the Creative Word. In its material aspect we know this energy as electricity, and without electrical energy no life processes could exist. Leo represents Solar Fire, the energy which is released from an integrated person, either through spontaneous radiations of apparently nuclear forms of energy, or, at the truly human and conscious level (and also superhuman in more transcendent realms), through conscious emanations (e-mana-tions, from manas meaning ‘mind’ in Sanskrit. Sagittarius is related to the fire by friction, because all social processes are based on interpersonal relations, which imply polarisation and often conflict.
The key symbol for Leo depicts a rising of energy from the heart to the head, a ‘mentalisation’ process. However, this process is a potentially dangerous one. Thus the original wording of the symbolic scene seen by the clairvoyant referred to ‘a case of apoplexy’ – just as a person standing with their head uncovered for a long time in tropical regions could get sunstroke. The sun can destroy as well as vivify. Without it’s symbolical mate, water, it produces deserts on earth. The realisation of atman, the spiritual self, the existence of a formed and steady ego – provided the ego can become a lens of pure crystal focusing the all-pervasive cosmic light of the Brahman without introducing the shadows of pride possessiveness and showmanship. But this ‘provided’ raises a very large question. The transmutation of ‘life’ into ‘mind’ is a difficult process.
The keynote of ‘Combustion’ for this phase hardly needs interpretation. In a general sense the key word for this first degree of the sign Leo could be CONFLAGRATION. The energies of the biological drives as they irrupt, more or less forcefully, into the field of consciousness.


mantra for the eclipse :

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