mercurio volante

Mercurio volante ~ 1587 / Giambologna (1529-1608)

after 1111
after the Taurus Full Moon
for those interested in this journey 
so much is happening now that I’ve chosen a while ago
[in a mercurial fashion]
to post methodically one bit at a time 
we are on our last yards before the switching point
the Great Alignment .. the Shift
I’d like to speak about Mercury (again) 
Mercury represents our lower mind
the mind that allows us to function on the earthly plane
the mind that facilitates our daily interactions with our environment
that forms a playful bond with our siblings
that emulates them in order to learn from each other 
it feels at ease with limited forms with language speech reasoning intellect
our capacity to gather or transmit information 
it tries to understand reality it feels at ease with boundaries
with the familiar the delimited 
it creates concepts it puts things into boxes 
it seeks practical results it is a problem solver
it can be very inventive curious wandering investigative and tricky 
it is smart it is knowing it is adaptable 
Mercury relates to others as transmitters or receivers 
Mercury is the perceiver the messenger the orator the magician the manipulator it can become a master at computing bending forms at projecting itself leaving traces patterns at storing thoughts
archiving models 
it identifies easily with social codes with the notions of success and failure with the controllable
the comparable the measurable the duality 
Mercury is very good at convincing itself at tricking itself at justifying 
and binding us to the unnecessary 
but it feels lost with the formless the boundless 
it feels helpless with silence eternity infinity unity 
until the day comes that Mercury reaches its own limits
as it can’t make sense of what’s happening it then stops making noise and shifts its perspective 
it opens to a more subtle realm beyond the physical beyond polarities it becomes a vessel
for consciousness 
and after much going in circles it finally releases control it becomes detached
it stops identifying with its perceptions or its thoughts 
it surrenders 
and it becomes a transparent silvery vessel for the soundless 
blessings to all
on this 
Mercury Retrograde

not for translation or reproduction without authorisation © stellArium & ethereal counterparts 

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