Darkness into Light

the period between the two eclipses this early November 2022, is a turning point .. as we enter deeper into dark Scorpio energies , we are called yet for another personal and collective transmutation experience

with the first quarter Moon (1.11.2022) in Aquarius square Sun and Venus in Scorpio which are trine Juno in Pisces , Mars 25° Gemini turned retrograde opp. Galactic Center and grand trine Vesta in Aquarius and Eros+Psyche in Libra , Venus conjunct South Node opp. Uranus and Kali in Taurus which are trine Ceres in Virgo .. we are feeling enough detachment to shed old skins and let go of outdated attachments and mental modes ; in terms of emotional patterns we are freeing ourselves of much density .. we no longer fear the inner silence which allows space for focusing on the sacred dimension of our being

there’s a smooth sailing in being aligned with our ultimate purpose and being carried by the Faith that all is well .. in being the Flame and the Light we have come here to be

“Darkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the source of all. Darkness is Disorder, Light is Order. Darkness transmuted is Light of the Light. This, my children, is your purpose of Being; Transmutation of Darkness into Light." – Hermes Trismegistus

total Lunar Eclipse 16° Taurus

the ruler of the eclipse , Venus which is part of the Scorpio stellium conjunct Sun & Mercury on the South Node

is also on one hand part of a Grand Trine with Neptune (Pisces) and Lilith (Cancer) and on the other in a biQuintile Yod with both Mars (stationed retrograde in Gemini) and Chiron (in Aries)

these biQuintiles act as auspicious energetic outlets for the eclipse

the Quintile Yod with Venus gives a strong 5th Harmonic resonance to the Lunar Eclipse chart. It calls for all our talents and senses during this transmutation process and the emotional reset

so despite the extreme polarisation on the Nodes and the frustrating Saturnian T.Square blocking

there is Hope for COP27

the 5th Harmonic Yod indicates that our common humanity will rise to the call because we’ll never give up finding new creative solutions

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 08.11.2022 at 11:02:08gmt

moreover , both the water trine shedding grace through Venus, Neptune and Lilith and

the Air grand trine improving the flow in communication through Saturn (Aquarius) Mars (Gemini) and Eros.Psyche (Libra) - hold fair promises for Twin Flames and other counterparts

may we all keep our eyes and hearts set on high

x AA

lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu

Not for translation or reproduction without my permission
©️stellArium & ethereal counterparts

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