just like butterflies


Butterflies Surimono by Shunman (1757–1820)

Pluto has been retrograde since May 2023, in its dance from Capricorn to Aquarius and back, giving us many opportunities for transformation; it is now about to turn direct (11 October 2023) right before a powerful Solar Eclipse.

The current Mars activation (Middle-East) of the Chiron Pluto square, opens the portal for the Eclipse and brings very ancient wounds back to light, under heavy Saturnian pressure (finance/economy) on Venus (self-worth) conjunct Lilith (rebellion). These energies at hand represent a difficult patch for many, who may feel like they’re going through the dark.

Pluto represents the process of death and rebirth, which empowers us through resilience and self-mastery. But it also represents what is unconscious and hidden whether on an individual or collective level. With Pluto we learn that the experience of loss, pain or fear are all preprogrammed mental projections.. we need to release. 

Let go of depleted passing phases and everything that brought them to be. 

To survive Pluto, we may need to allow ourselves to bring the shadow into Light, heal wounds that have been finally identified and owned, release outdated mental attachments, purify toxic residues,

to surrender and emerge authentic, fully aligned

to experience Peace, Joy, and Light...

in Grace

Blessings x AA

If you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact me.

not for translation or reproduction © stellArium & ethereal counterparts

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