
Showing posts with the label Dane Rudhyar


11.11.11 @ 11.11.11 ... if it is just another day, we can still look at its astrological patterns we perceive any given energy according to Universal Time and our Local view, as these operate from distinct areas of experience. on such day, we may also draw a Mandala along major aspects of the chart and interiorize their Sabian symbols. in the following case, perceived from a Local perspective : - the Universal Time places Pluto in the twelve house of fears and inhibitions and the Sun conjunct the Medium Coeli. while the separative oppositions from the Moon to the Sun or from Jupiter to Saturn (square to the Ascendant) are still playing in. - whereas the Local Time has Pluto conjunct the Ascendant only minutes apart, therefore aligning exactly with the Ascendant, the Grand Trine between Pluto (conjunct the Ascendant), Jupiter (conjunct the Nadir) and entered-in-Virgo Mars (opposite Neptune.Chiron).   11.11.11 @ 11:11:11 gmt, 7e15 43n42 the Universal Time in Local pl

equanimity and fair culture

some reminders .. stages of considerations for the astrological year : for each of the four seasons we need to consider their ingress point chart, when the energies for the season to come are "inscribed", and their subsequent new moon chart, when the same energies are "subscribed". of foremost relevance within this sequence is the Aries chart because the unfolding of energies for the entire astrological year is inscribed in the spring equinox / Aries ingress point chart. the fall equinox its polar counterpart, usually offers a mirror "image" to further our understanding of the current planetary cycles and patterns in the year's development.   Vernal Equinox: 20 March 2011, 23:20:44 GMT, chart for 7e15 43n42 Norouz 1390 تحویل سال  - Tehran, 21 March 2011, 2:50:44 hr    Aries New Moon, 3 April 2011, 14:32:19 GMT, chart for 4e42 50n53  symbol 14° Aries: a serpent coiling near a man and a woman. Automnal Equinox, 23 Sept

illusion and materialism

   "Anyone earnestly participating in the activities of any more or less psychic group automatically allows himself to be psychically penetrated by the collective field of energy having been built through the centuries by those actually making use of the specific techniques. While this penetration may make great power available to the participant, it may also have a binding character depending upon whether in the past the group-energy has been used constructively or destructively, or, what is more frequent, for a mixture of motives. European occultism, especially where ceremonial magic or Kabbalistic procedures are concerned, has a very dubious record. ...   Waves of civilization interpenetrate as they move through the one ocean of planetary mind. We give many names to this mind from the point of view of our local shore line. To our consciousness, such shore lines are the great super-egos we call traditions. When they serve the one purpose of humanity, these traditions have

chandra grahan

"Any cycle of existence must begin in something. Life emerges out of one kind of seed or another. In the cycle of yearly vegetation, the seed lies hidden in the ground during the winter; then, as the sun's rays gain strength and spring begins, the great event of germination occurs. As the seed is torn asunder by some inner power of eager response to the sun, the rootlet stretches itself downward into the soil and the little germ reaches up to the crust of the soil, which it breaks in a magnificent gesture of liberation from the darkness of the past."   Meditations on Saturn by Dane Rudhyar The Total Lunar Eclipse at 25° Sagittarius during 15 June 2011 Full Moon, happens with the Earth perfectly aligned between the Sun and Moon - so 'she' will pass at the very center thru the Earth' shadow .. and will turn copper for even longer. Reactivating the same degree as that of December 2008 and closer to the Galactic center, the

la source

« Le centre est une source, à travers laquelle jaillit, s'écoule l'esprit. Et tous les participants à la communauté prennent part à ce jaillissement. Sous son état primordial, cet esprit n'est pas une « chose » et pourtant, il est potientialité d'un nombre infini de « choses ». Du coeur de la galaxie jaillit l'infinie potentialité, en source d'existence réelle. L'existence est toujours finie ; seule la potentialité d'existence peut être considérée comme infinie. Toute communauté galactique a un but fini : une place et une fonction dans le Tout universel. Mais ce n'est pas une fonction séparative. Les galaxies forment des amas de galaxies ; les communautés ne peuvent exister et prospérer que si elles comprennent et réalisent effectivement leur relation aux autres communautés, au sein de la « Communauté Universelle de l'Homme » planétaire. Dans une communauté galactique, l'intégration ne dépend pas de l'existence d'un centre « solaire


For your consideration, the words of the venerable Dane Rudhyar (one of the most prolific astrological writers in history between 1935-1980) from the last part of his masterwork, “An Astrological Mandala” . "The significance of astrology is that it can transform the profane into the sacred, the facts of astronomy into the revelation of a cosmic order manifest in the cell and the human person as well as in the solar system and the galaxy. To try to make astrology a “science” based on empirical facts and statistics is to deny its essential and ancient nature. Astrology deals with the mythos of the Sky. The elements it uses are archetypes. Therefore, to live one’s life in terms of the revelatory message symbolically implied in one’s birth chart is to live a life in terms of the “sacred” character of existence. It does not mean to feel oppressed by “bad” aspects or elated by “good” ones. It does not mean to avoid confrontation with existential facts and to escape into fanciful d