
Showing posts with the label NewEarth


  this morning, I am reminded of COP28 and its paradoxes  flying over 70,000 participants to one of the global epicenters of gas, oil production, and CO2 emissions.  amidst a backdrop of fossil fuel advocates, leaders of national oil companies and major CO2 producers partake in a ceremony advocating for renewable energies. these people are to address for the 28th time the same old issues of "Trust"  "Cooperation"  "Voluntary contributions"  while for the 28th time, scientists “urgently” emphasize the imperative for resolute decisions, pressing for the immediate abandonment of these very fossil fuels . . .  yet, the list of paradoxes is much longer.  amid wars and conflicts, some prioritise rearmament over decarbonisation. so how could they muster a minimum momentum to bridge their divisions?  a war in Europe and one in the Middle East have been triggers for an escalating dis-trust and an unwavering widening of the divide between the ideological “West” and

Be the Peace - Shanti Om

  I invite you to BE  to stay resolutely turned to the Light during this period... as clouds of darkness attempt to swallow us to the point of no return.  The dark is currently coming after the ascending and the awakened like never before. Throughout this devastating season, the grip of darkness has intensified, with entities actively attempting to render our connection to the Divine, futile and powerless. Be vigilant about its workings, and most importantly, refrain from casting your gaze into the abyss with fear. Darkness thrives on our doubts, worries, anxieties, pain, and feelings of despair or depression.  Observe these overwhelming energies with compassion and gratitude, as darkness represents an opportunity for us to embrace our resilience and infinite power. To navigate at night, we need to pause in order to adjust our focus, as our vigilance becomes acute and we rely on our inner compass and all our sensory perceptions, which are then enhanced and we may step forward with utmo

Singing Fountain

  This September 2023 Equinox was a gateway to inner Alignment before the October 2023 Solar Eclipse. A handful of New Earth, Starseeds, and Twin Flames key-codes holders/keepers, presently incarnated on Earth, are placed across the planet, in order to activate and stabilise a number of grids. They each hold a specific mode for transmitting Light codes and activating Light bodies. They can only operate and emanate after having integrated their Zero-point frequency which stands beyond common timelines or the contrived mental verbiage: such frequencies can’t be artificially reproduced, but can only be detected by those who are meant to be in resonance. As we enter a peculiar Eclipse season of utmost importance for a number of collectives, beware of transmissions that are not in full resonance with your own core frequency. The summer retrogrades have had a double effect: Light and muddling. There’s a new edge now to what is expected from the ascending: if you have been deceived by seeming

La nuit noire

    Sans vouloir faire de généralités sur la nuit noire de l'âme, également appelée la "nuit de la foi", j'aimerais exprimer ce qui suit. La Nuit Noire est l'expérience de l'absence de Lumière et de Foi, comme si Dieu avait disparu et que nous ne savons plus à quoi nous accrocher. Alors que nous perdons toutes nos références intérieures et extérieures et que plus rien ne semble avoir de sens, ce sentiment "d'absence" devient insupportable, et une obscurité totale envahit tous nos sens et notre esprit - jusqu'à vivre un semblant de "mort". Le grand saint chrétien et mystique espagnol, Saint Jean de la Croix, est celui qui a le mieux décrit son expérience dans deux poèmes : "L'ascension du Mont Carmel" et "La nuit obscure de l'âme". Mais cette notion de nuit noire existe également sous différents noms dans toutes les traditions religieuses. À ce point le plus bas de notre parcours spirituel, ce qui émerge d