
Showing posts with the label aries

vernality 21

  Klimt Tarot 0° Aries Vernal Equinox 20.03.2021 @ 13:07:28 Tehran / 09:37:28 gmt ۳۰.۱۲.۱۳۹۹ @ ۱۳:۰۷:۲۸ light your candles and watch yourselves walk through the magical 2021 0° Aries portal for those who are on the new earth path their various steps during 2019-2020 have led them to release an individual - dual - collective - solar - galactic cycle and these are not mere words : they’ve either gone through the steps or they haven’t 12 January - 21 December 2020 - they made their choice without return all throughout January-February-March 2021 they have felt as if their souls are inexorably pulling them away from the matrix its ever collapsing crystallised grid and any remaining knots the undoing has been happening despite themselves for some it has felt excruciatingly painful for others it has shattered physical references to which they were attaching a false sense of being they’ve had to let go the remnant smokey trail - density - cords and now they stand naked .. alone ready for what

the brave one

Saint Christopher and the infant Christ c.1470   Dierick Bouts (c. 1420 –1475) Oil on wood - 62.6 x 27.5 cm during this period (another few coming weeks) with Mars in Aries square the great conjunction (Jupiter Pluto Saturn in Capricorn) everything is laborious and requires effort, but that's because we ought to be anchored more than usual exert self-control and much discernment (Sun Mercury in Virgo) understand that everything starts with oneself we can't expect from others what we cannot give to ourselves channel your energies choose your priorities focus on the essential and act from the heart forgive love •••• durant cette période (encore quelques semaines) avec Mars en Bélier en quadrature à la grande conjonction (Jupiter Pluton Saturne en Capricorne) tout est laborieux et demande des efforts, mais c’est parce qu’il faut s'ancrer plus que d’habitude se maîtriser et faire preuve de beaucoup de discernement (Soleil Mercure en Vierge) comprendre que tout commenc

pure thoughts pure words pure actions

2020 : 'the shift and things to be considered' -- a series  March 20th  is the first day of spring  and also the beginning of the new solar year  as well as that of a new great interplanetary cycle ..  it is suggested to carry out a deep purification until Friday March 20 for soul alignment.. I suggest daily meditations, visualisations, prayers of gratitude .. and turning toward your inner sun —may you all be protected and blessed !! pure thoughts pure words pure actions  le 20 Mars est le premier jour du printemps et aussi le début de l’année solaire et celui du nouveau grand cycle interplanétaire.. il est suggéré d’effectuer une purification très profonde d’ici vendredi 20 Mars pour un alignement d’âme je suggère méditations, visualisations, prières de gratitude - quotidiennes .. et se tourner vers le soleil intérieur — soyez tous protégés et bénis et hauts les cœurs !!  pensées pures mots purs actions pures  ⭐️ not for translation or reproduction without  authorisation  © st


Full Moon on 19 April 2019 takes place at 11:12 GMT 12:12 London 13:12 France 07:12 NY 4:12 LA. the Sun is past 29 ° Aries in exact opposition to the Moon in Libra - the effects of a lunation or any other transit is usually felt like a wave slowly coming towards the shore and receding back... Aspectarian • while the Sun is in an approaching conjunction with Uranus (2° Taurus); in a separating trine to Jupiter Retrograde (24° Sagittarius); in a sextile with the Black Moon (28° Aquarius) and Juno (29° Gemini); • the Moon opposes Uranus; sextiles Jupiter R.; trines the Black Moon and Juno, quincunx Venus its ruler • Most importantly Sun and Moon are in a T-square with the cluster Saturn, Pluto, and South Node (from 20° to 23° Capricorn). • Aside from this Sun-Moon axis, we also have Venus in Pisces (ruling both the Moon and Uranus) which is in a wide conjunction to Mercury and Chiron in Aries • Chiron Mercury and the Sun all in Aries are ruled by Mars in Gemini - so there’s

sun.mars in waco

texas explosion, 17 april 2013, 7:50pm local time, 97w09, 31n33 (18 april, 0:50gmt) yes the Texas explosion is in relation to the Sun.Mars conjunction in Aries the chart for the explosion in Waco shows a grand cross and a crucial alignment with the USA chart: it happened about half an hour after the exact Sun.Mars conjunction... which in turn is opposite the Libra Ascendant and is still activating USA's Chiron in Aries the Moon in Cancer close to the MC is almost square the Sun.Mars/ascendant and is also transiting USA's Mercury and opposing USA's Pluto. moreover Venus in Taurus is approaching an opposition to Saturn in Scorpio while Mercury is about to activate the Uranus Pluto square.. on the other hand as indicated by the axis alignments with USA's Pluto and suggested by the sabian symbol, something previously hidden may come to light through this. symbol for 28° Libra ascendant of this chart: a man becoming aware of spiritual forces surrounding

'nowrooz' 2013 : a new path opens to the humble and compassionate

' nowrooz ' the new day, before it can really mark its start with the aries lunation is affected this year by a series of major planetary cycles; the equinox happens during a mercury retrograde, it is followed by a full moon and a venus cycle before the new moon ... which is followed by saturn going retrograde before a mars cycle the Sun ingresses Aries with Mars (ruler of Aries) and Uranus in the early degrees of Aries - the sign of exaltation for the Sun : this new day / new solar year starts with exceptional force and concentration of energy  it will be joined soon after by Venus and the New Moon will therefore happen in the midst of a stellium   nowrooz, spring equinox, 20 march 2013, 11:01:56gmt, 7e15, 43n42 27 march 2013 : full moon "The most basic 'Law' of our universe is that every release of new potentialities (or modes of energy) brings about a polarization of effects — that is, the new potentiality will be used both for const

just a quote

a quote on this aries full moon Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals. - Margaret Mead

the knot

The knot as an interconnection of spiritual energies with life forces. Full Moon chart for 12 October 2011, at 2:05:43 GMT, 7e15 43n42 symbol 19° aries  : The "Magic Carpet" Of Oriental Imagery according to Rudhyar this symbol refers to the "use of creative imagination' "A way of life refusing a hectic involvement in social competition and waste-producing overproduction allows for the development of unattached and transcendent understanding. The static floor (carpet) on which man's feet (symbols of understanding) rest can become transformed into the means for great flights of imagination and super-physical perception. The period of rest from outwardly directed activity bound to collective normality presents the creative mind with the possibility of surveying in dreams the totality of the present-day social situation, thus "to see whole." We can also consider a carpet as a grid made of knots and perceive its magical visu

in between ... ether and gaïa

  after some time off from stellArium & ethereal counterparts, on this beautiful MoonDay, i will attempt to share some of my current visions and thoughts .. even if it's somewhat difficult to find my words this morning i went out before dawn to watch the cluster and it somehow "spoke" to me morning sky looking East during first part of May according to which house in our chart was activated by the ongoing cluster of planets in Aries, much has recently been happening in that given area of our lives .. most have experienced an incredible amount of energy that enabled the launch of a new cycle however, this initial energy stemming pure and direct from the deepest core of the "self" ..  also had with every occurrence, to go through a particular retributive phase each of the personal planets in Aries first contacted Uranus in Aries (standing alone & total break from the past), then squared Pluto in Capricorn (purification of sorts to better con