
Showing posts with the label eclipse

Darkness into Light

the period between the two eclipses this early November 2022, is a turning point .. as we enter deeper into dark Scorpio energies , we are called yet for another personal and collective transmutation experience with the first quarter Moon (1.11.2022) in Aquarius square Sun and Venus in Scorpio which are trine Juno in Pisces , Mars 25° Gemini turned retrograde opp. Galactic Center and grand trine Vesta in Aquarius and Eros+Psyche in Libra , Venus conjunct South Node opp. Uranus and Kali in Taurus which are trine Ceres in Virgo .. we are feeling enough detachment to shed old skins and let go of outdated attachments and mental modes ; in terms of emotional patterns we are freeing ourselves of much density .. we no longer fear the inner silence which allows space for focusing on the sacred dimension of our being there’s a smooth sailing in being aligned with our ultimate purpose and being carried by the Faith that all is well .. in being the Flame and the Light we have come here to be “Dar

October, October

October, October   as we approach the eclipse season  and to follow my previous post on the silent gold ...  i’d like to remind genuine starseeds and twin flames that we have volunteered to incarnate on Earth during this cosmic shift starseeds need now to only focus on their specific assignments and keep regenerating their energies twin flames alchemists who are done with much of their personal clearing , need to continue transmuting densities into Light until they reach their specific Union frequency and hear their collective call “the silent gold” (Pisces FM conjunct Neptune 10.09.22 - Equinox/Libra NM 25.09.22) saw the closing of a great karmic cycle for all collectives and the ceremonies around the passing of queen Elisabeth II has been a remarkable symbol for these times — meanwhile the systemic collapse is accelerating onward during this past September, the 144k have been upgraded with light codes and transmissions which enabled them to step into their core alignment and ascend t

soul healer of the ages

  Something is happening with this Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that we can’t see nor tell now; the nature of what’s impacting us may take a long time (Saturn square) to be revealed and it may come after part of the past disappears (Eclipsed Moon in Scorpio conjunct South Node) to allow for utter clarity and a new order (Saturn in Aquarius ruled by Uranus).. a powerful eclipse such as this one would indicate a change of direction and would serve as a gateway for embodying energies from an invisible realm. How do we let go of the past when egoic values have occupied the heart space ? with most planets playing their parts before Mars comes in next to Neptune in Pisces  as final dispositor , the orchestration is for our highest good but the mechanics will remain mysterious, so we have the opportunity to trust and surrender our will to the divine. On the side note, for those who may be affected through transit, I know from personal experience, that whenever Mars is conjunct Neptune in a 

mighty dragon

  the nodal axis , eclipses and their significance for our current times  the significance of a Solar or Lunar Eclipse is so profound and vertiginous that very few minds venture down its underpass the nodal axis (currently in Taurus - Scorpio) is also named after the dragon : the north as head and the south as tail. so to sense where the story may take us , just consider the Dragon with its fantastic legendary myths across various cultures to consider the energetic impact of an eclipse on a chart, one needs to consider the chart rulers and its progressions - while looking at how the eclipse is connecting to a given natal chart : any activation with a close orb to the angles and the personal planets will have a very powerful transformative impact on an individual during a full eclipse cycle - effects of eclipse cycles don’t follow the same patterns as planetary cycles .. the effect of some eclipse cycles can last up to 18years , and that’s a big part of a human life ! these are also cal

the unlocking

Los Guerreros del Viento, 2019 ~ G. Muñoz Vera are your sails ready?   the Unfolding has given us the vision and a multidimensional map, as well as prepared us with a proper alignment and positioning .. if you feel like you still need some adjustment, the time is now   without a pause, the eclipse season is starting another determining phase: the collectives are creating their momentum  Partial Solar Eclipse 30 April 2022 at 20:28gmt -  10°28 Taurus   the Partial Solar Eclipse at 10°28 Taurus  is conjunct Uranus and Eros, which may ignite much fire and inevitable change on an individual level and it even can manifest in various types of chaos on a social level. the Taurus New Moon is ruled by Venus (in Pisces) which has joined the Jupiter Neptune conjunction: for some this could bring them to look for exuberant pleasure, or enjoy abundant opportunities and good luck; for others it may open channels for high inspiration, compassion and love  interestingly this New Moon stellium in Tauru

the sacred month

  “1959 : A scuola in carrucola” 11.11 - 21.12.2021 - the sacred month 11.11 portal lunar eclipse 19.11.2021 solar eclipse 4.12.2021 12.12 portal Solstice 21.12.2021 Neptune direct 1.12.2021 Full Moon 19.12.2021 Chiron direct 19.12.2021 Venus retro. 19.12.2021 the story unfolds following the 2020 Jupiter Saturn Pluto conjunction and the timeline collapse we underwent the 2021 frequency splitting people on Earth now live along two different timelines & according to two distinct vibrations a majority is still navigating in between the collectives who have volunteered to help others should be evermore focused enthusiastic and resolved to assist them towards the New Shore blessings AA Not for translation or reproduction without my permission © stellArium & ethereal counterparts